忘记用 英语 怎么说忘记用英语可以说成forget英[ f??ɡet ] 美[ f?r?ɡet ],这是最常见的说法,但其实还可以用neglect或者exorcise the memory,具体指忘记看书看到什么地方可以用lose one's place以及lose one's position 。
lose sight of
lose one's train of
I forgot the tittle of the film.
我忘记电影名字了 。
I forgot my keys.
我忘记带钥匙了 。
"Honey, I forget to duck. "
What's learnt in the cradle lasts till the tomb.
小时学过的,至死不忘记 。
He regularly neglects brushing his teeth before going to bed.
他常常忘记睡前刷牙 。
That experience is one I'll never forget!
What is learnt in the cradle lasts (or is carried) to the grave.
小时学会的事情到老不会忘记 。
Lose one's place; lose one's position
【忘记用英语怎么说 你怎么敢忘记用英语怎么说】He could not exorcise the memory of his past misdeeds.
他无法忘记自己过去的罪行 。
He forgot to cradle the telephone receiver when he finished.
他打完电话忘记把听筒搁在支架上 。
forget是什么意思 v. 忘,忘记;忘记带;不再把...放在心上;忽略;忽视;放弃
I have a grand memory for forgeting .
我对“忘记”的记忆力极好 。
Let's forget the disaster.
让我们不要再把那场灾难放在心上了 。
He is a fool that forgets himself
Elephants never forget!
大象绝不会忘记!(引申义:提醒某人做事说话要小心,要是得罪了人,他永远会记得 。)
忘记的英语相似短语 forget to 忘了要...
forget it 算了,别再提了!
forget about it phr. 算了,别再提了!
forgive and forget 不念旧恶,不记仇
forget about 忘记,忘却
never forget 永远不忘
forget to do 忘记(做)...
forget oneself 忘乎所以,失去自制;废寝忘食;失去知觉,昏迷
forget oneself in 沉浸于…,对…入迷了
forget doing 忘记(曾做过)...
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