冬瓜英语怎么说 冬瓜的英语怎么讲

冬瓜 英语 怎么说:冬瓜葫芦科冬瓜属一年生蔓生或架生草本植物,主要分布于亚洲其他热带、亚热带地区,中国各地地区均有栽培 。那你知道冬瓜英语怎么说吗?下面江门美联小编告诉你冬瓜英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!
Benincasa hispida; wax gourd; white gourd

冬瓜英语怎么说 冬瓜的英语怎么讲

冬瓜肉厚 。
A white gourd is rich in pulp.
广东菜中的烤乳猪和冬瓜盅 。
"Toast Sucking Pigs" and "Wax Gourd Soup" in Guangdong flavour dishes.
冬瓜可以帮我和体重作斗争 。
Winter melon can help me fight my weight.
介绍了冬瓜豆豉的改良工艺技术 。
Study on the improved process of homely Chinese watermelon Douchi;
我喜欢吃冬瓜,但不喜欢吃南瓜 。
I like white gourds, but not pumpkins.
Melon skin, watermelon rind, are you ignoring me that you shameless!
烧猪肉,水煮马铃薯,油煎香菇醋溜鱼片和火腿冬瓜汤 。
Roast pork, boiled potatoes, fried mushrooms, sweet sour fish slices and ham winter melon soup.
以冬瓜为材料,采用不同切割方式对冬瓜贮藏期间的生理特性进行研究 。
In this experiment, physiological characteristics of Chinese wax gourd cut by different methods were studied during storage period.
这是我第一年种冬瓜 。
This is my first year planting winter melon.
冬瓜说他的发型不错,我顶了 。
Wax gourd that his hair Yes, I am the top.
Are we going to have winter melons this year?
它叫“冬瓜鸡咖喱”,或者用泰语讲是“gaeng khua fak gub gai” 。
It is Chicken and wax gourd curry or "gaeng khua fak gub gai" in Thai.
一种冬瓜蔓生植物的果实;个头大的、蒙皮光滑的、果肉为暗绿色的浅绿色瓜 。
The fruit of a variety of winter melon vine; a large smooth-skinned greenish-white melon with pale green flesh.
In wax gourd slice daily with wax gourd face or wipe Moab;
Antimicrobial Activity of Thyme Oil and Its Preservation Effect on Fresh-cut Wax Gourd
希望能得到几个大个的冬瓜 。
I hope I can have some big melons.
基本上它和普通红咖喱的做法一样,只是多了一个加入冬瓜的步骤 。
You cook it in much the same way as other red curries but there is an extra step with the wax gourd.
刨冬瓜皮时,要彻底刨去瓜皮的绿色部份,这样做出来的冬瓜茸才幼滑 。
Make sure you completely remove all the winter melon's green skin to ensure a smooth soup.
Study on the technology of Benincasa hispida nutritional ice-cream
她很可爱,不过是个矮冬瓜 。
She's cute, but she is a shrimp.
恨你是胡瓜,吃你是西瓜,骂你是冬瓜,打你这傻瓜 。
【冬瓜英语怎么说 冬瓜的英语怎么讲】 Hating you is cucumber, eating you is watermelon, scolding you is wax gourd, hit you this is goofy.
另外,馅料里还经常包含蜜冬瓜、金华火腿或冰糖等用以丰富滋味 。
In addition, the mixture will usually contain candied winter melon, jinhua ham, or pieces of rock sugar as additional flavoring.
冬瓜蔓生植物的果实;易于保存的暗绿色到橙色果肉的绿瓜 。
The fruit of the winter melon vine; a green melon with pale green to orange flesh that keeps well.
