冬瓜英语怎么说 冬瓜的英语怎么讲( 二 )

Identification of Main Fermented Strains and Flavor Substances in Naturally Fermented Wax Gourd with Strong Odour
"Toast Sucking Pigs" and "Wax Gourd Soup" in Guangdong flavour dishes.
广东菜中的烤乳猪和冬瓜盅 。
Wax gourd that his hair Yes, I am the top.
冬瓜说他的发型不错,我顶了 。
In this experiment, physiological characteristics of Chinese wax gourd cut by different methods were studied during storage period.
以冬瓜为材料,采用不同切割方式对冬瓜贮藏期间的生理特性进行研究 。
In wax gourd slice daily with wax gourd face or wipe Moab;
It is Chicken and wax gourd curry or "gaeng khua fak gub gai" in Thai.
它叫“冬瓜鸡咖喱”,或者用泰语讲是“gaeng khua fak gub gai” 。
Antimicrobial Activity of Thyme Oil and Its Preservation Effect on Fresh-cut Wax Gourd
Hating you is cucumber, eating you is watermelon, scolding you is wax gourd, hit you this is goofy.
恨你是胡瓜,吃你是西瓜,骂你是冬瓜,打你这傻瓜 。
You cook it in much the same way as other red curries but there is an extra step with the wax gourd.
基本上它和普通红咖喱的做法一样,只是多了一个加入冬瓜的步骤 。
Fig.1.Symptoms of Fusarium wilt of wax gourd at a field.
图一、冬瓜萎凋病在田间的病徵 。
Transfer to a deeper pot, and add another cup of coconut milk together with the wax gourd. Once the wax gourd is cooked, season with equal amounts of tamarind juice, sugar and fish sauce.
接着把所有食物转移到一口深锅里,再加一杯椰浆、并放入冬瓜 。冬瓜好了之后就加入1:1:1的酸角汁、汤和鱼露 。
Hong Li, a sophomore majoring in architecture at Guangdong University of Technology, recently read on Sina Weibo that holding a wax gourd while sleeping can cool the body by three degrees.
洪力(音译)是广东工业大学建筑专业的大二学生 。近,他在新浪微博上读了一篇关于抱冬瓜睡觉可降3度体温的微博 。
Identification of Main Fermented Strains and Flavor Substances in Naturally Fermented Wax Gourd with Strong Odour
You need to prepare the wax gourd first by peeling it, slice it several times lengthways, remove the seeds and then finally cut into one inch chunks.
首先你要处理冬瓜,去皮去籽、再切成块状 。
In this article, cabbage and wax gourd as raw materials are used to produce vegetable wrapping paper, and the comprehensive properties of vegetable wrapping papers the evaluated.
本文以卷心菜及冬瓜为原料,研究了蔬菜包装纸的制作工艺条件,并对蔬菜包装纸的综合性能进行评价 。
Changing of Wax Gourd Seed during the Development and Post-harvest Treatments
Seedtime of wax gourd was the key factor of success in cultivation in autumn.
秋季黑皮冬瓜的播种时期是关系到冬瓜种植的成败关键因素 。
Studies on the artificial inoculation techniques of Wax gourd or Chieh-qua blight
Based on the impulsed pressurization brought by continuously high-pressure jet, the effects of the processing onthe peroxidase ( POD) activity in wax gourd juices are discussed in this paper.
本研究基于连续高压射流形成的脉冲加压方式,考察瞬变高压与中温协同作用对冬瓜汁中POD活力的影响 。
Study on the Optimum Conditions for Fermented Chinese Wax Gourd Juice by Lactic Acid Bacteria
