还英语怎么说 按时归还英语怎么说( 二 )

I don't eat much, yet I am a size
我吃得并不多,但是却穿码的衣服 。
Yet bigger satellites will be sent up into orbit
更为大型的卫星将被送入轨道 。
As yet it is not known whether the crash was the result of an accident
目前尚不清楚撞车是否是由事故引起的 。
No decision has yet been made
尚未作出决定 。
She hasn't yet set a date for her marriage
她还没选定结婚的日子 。
'Has the murderer been caught?' — 'Not yet.'
“抓住凶手了吗?”——“还没有 。”
Have you met my husband yet?
Hammer-throwing for women is not yet a major event.
女子链球运动还不是主要的赛事 。
He had asked around and learned that Billy was not yet here.
他四处询问,得知比利还没到这儿 。
The hostages cannot go home just yet
人质目前还不能回家 。
We should not yet abandon this option for the disposal of highly radioactive waste.
我们还不能放弃选择这种方式来处理高辐射废料 。
Her latest novel is her best yet.
她的新小说是她迄今为止比较好的一部 。
A negotiated settlement might yet be possible.
也许仍有可能通过磋商达成协议 。
Nothing will happen for a few years yet
几年内还不会有什么事发生 。
They'll be ages yet.
他们还得好长时间呢 。
He has been nominated three times for the Oscar but has yet to win.
他已经次获奥斯卡提名,但从未获奖 。
They were terrified James would die — yet there were moments when they almost wished he would
他们很害怕詹姆斯会死——然而,有那么几个瞬间,他们几乎是希望他会死 。
It is completely waterproof, yet light and comfortable.
它防水性能非常好,但却轻巧舒适 。
We have not as yet received a response.
【还英语怎么说 按时归还英语怎么说】 我们还未收到回复 。
