除用英语怎么说 加减乘除用英语怎么说( 二 )

除了一餐叉色拉,他什么都没吃 。
I don't take any drugs whatsoever, except aspirin for colds
我什么药都不吃,除了感冒时吃阿司匹林 。
Children who take exams early will be allowed to drop a subject except in the case of maths, English and science.
提早参加考试的孩子们可以免修除数学、英语和科学以外的一门课 。
Everyone was late, except for Richard.
除了理查德,其他所有人都迟到了 。
We all went except him.
除他以外,我们都去了 。
All the tractors except this are good in quality.
除了这台拖拉机,所有其他的拖拉机质量都很好 。
There's nothing except sport and repeats on TV.
除了体育节目和重播节目外,电视上没什么新鲜内容 。
I sold everything I owned except for my car and my books
我把我所有的东西都卖掉了,只剩下汽车和书 。
Everyone was tired except John.
大家都累了,惟有约翰不累 。
I'm sorry. I have nothing to pay you except some big bills.
对不起,我只带着大票面的钱,没有零钱付给你 。
Apart from [ Except for] a few grammatical mistakes, this composition of yours is well written.
除了几处语法错误之外,你这篇作文写得不错 。
I know nothing about him except that he knocked about South Africa for a while.
我除了知道他在南非流浪过一段时间外对他一无所知 。
Everybody is down on me except you.
大家都讨厌我,惟独你不 。
My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private
我的主人命令我务必私下里传递消息 。
We would have come straight here, except our flight got in too late.
要不是我们的航班抵达太晚,我们本应直接到这里来的 。
He goes to office every day except ( on) Sunday.
他每天去办公,星期天除外 。
This restaurant has nothing to recommend except that it's cheap.
这家饭馆除了价钱便宜之外,一无可取 。
He works every day except Sunday.
除星期天外,他每天都工作 。
【除用英语怎么说 加减乘除用英语怎么说】 You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle
要不是他动了动步枪,你肯定会认为他是个硬纸板模型 。
There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier
除了寄给业主的常见垃圾信件之外,再没有其他邮件了 。
No admittance except on business.
闲人免进 。
The snow, except where it drifted, was only calf-deep
除了吹得堆积起来的地方,雪只有小腿肚深 。
He's the only one absent; everybody else is here.; Everybody has come except him.
别人都来了,单单他没来 。
Everyone seems busy except us
除了我们,大家好像都很忙碌 。
