问英语怎么说 问路英语怎么说

问 英语 怎么说:问,有不知道或不明白的事请人解答,或向某人或某方面要东西 。那你知道问英语怎么说吗?下面厦门美联小编告诉你问英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!

问英语怎么说 问路英语怎么说

Hey, can I ask you a question?
他问我是否和你一块儿离开的,我说不是 。
He asked if I had left with you, and I said no
Who asked for your opinion?
“你做了吗?”她认真地问 。
'Did you?' she asked earnestly
我只想问一个问题 。
I have just one question.
我不该问你那样的事情,我很抱歉 。
I ought not to have asked you a thing like that. I'm sorry
我问他借了几本书 。
I borrowed some books from him.
再问一个问题,我就不打扰你了 。
One more question and I'll leave you in peace.
我问自己在这种情况下我会怎么做 。
I asked myself what I would have done in such a situation
别问问题了!你应该知道什么时候该适可而止 。
Stop asking questions! You should know when enough is enough.
你有问题,随时可以来问我 。
If you have any questions, you can come and ask me at any time.
他问我是否准备好了,我给出肯定的回答 。
He asked me if I was ready. I answered in the affirmative.
你问我再多的问题也没有用 。
There's no use you asking me any more questions
“你没事吧?”我问她 。她点点头,笑了 。
'Are you okay?' I asked. She nodded and smiled
我不记得你问过我那件事情 。
I don't remember you asking me about that
“你在暗示我和那些袭击有关吗?”她冷冷地问 。
'Are you implying that I have something to do with those attacks?' she asked coldly
我问她是否允许我采访她,她欣然同意了 。
I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she readily agreed
我想你比较好告诉我们你为什么要问这些问题 。
I think you'd better tell us why you're asking these questions.
我想我们已经谈过这个问题了,不过为了以防万一,我再问你一次 。
I guess we've already talked about this but I'll ask you again just in case.
“他们可以粉刷这个地方,”她说 。“什么?”他问 。
'They could paint this place,' she said. 'What?' he asked.
她问我想干什么,然后提到了一份工作 。
She asked me what I would like to do and mentioned a particular job
Do you mind if I ask you one more thing?
他问我几点了 。
He asked me the time
我问是否可以上厕所 。
I asked if I could go to the loo.
Mr. Cutler, would you mind if I asked a question?
'How is Frank?' he asked
“弗兰克怎么样了?”他问道 。
We had to ask him to leave
我们不得不要求他离开 。
I asked to see the Director.
我要求见主任 。
I decided to go to the next house and ask for food
我决定去隔壁那家要点吃的 。
There's a man at the gate asking for you.
门口有个人想见你 。
Please ask permission from whoever pays the phone bill before making your call.
打电话前请先征得话费支付方的同意 。
Couldn't you ask Jon to the party?
