问英语怎么说 问路英语怎么说( 二 )

Mr Pantelaras was asking £ , for his collection.
潘特莱拉斯先生为他的藏品要价,英镑 。
'She's got other things on her mind, wouldn't you think?''Don't ask me,' murmured Chris. 'I've never met her.'
“她还有别的心事,你不觉得吗?”“别问我,”克里斯嘀咕道,“我从未见过她 。”
He knew the nomination was his for the asking.
他知道只要他开口就能得到那项提名 。
That silly old bat. I ask you, who'd she think she was?
那个老蠢货 。我倒要问一问,她以为她是谁呀?
May I ask where you're going, sir?
He was nuts, if you ask me.
要我说的话,他是个疯子 。
To go ahead with the match after such clear advice had been asking for trouble.
都劝说得这么明白了还要继续比赛,这简直就是自讨苦吃 。
I asked him his name
我询问了他的名字 。
I wasn't the only one asking questions
不只是我一个人提出了问题 。
She asked me if I'd enjoyed my dinner
她问我晚餐是否吃得满意 。
If Daniel asks what happened in court we will tell him
如果丹尼尔问起庭审情况,我们会告诉他 。
You will have to ask David about that
那件事你得问戴维 。
'I'm afraid to ask what it cost.' — 'Then don't ask.'
“我不敢问这个东西花了多少钱 。”——“那就别问了 。”
She said she had been asked to take two suitcases to Africa by a man called Sean.
她说有个名叫肖恩的男人要她带两个手提箱去非洲 。
Who asked for your opinion?
She asked me back to her house.
她又邀请我去了她家 。
Hey, can I ask you a question?
'I do everything you ask of me,' he complained.
“你要我做的事我都做了 。”他抱怨道 。
If you have any questions, you can come and ask me at any time.
【问英语怎么说 问路英语怎么说】 你有问题,随时可以来问我 。
