暗恋英语怎么说 暗恋怎么说英语怎么说( 二 )

小李:这我可不知道,但是我却暗恋了她四年啦 。
And my secret love's no secret anymore
However, George has been harbouring a secret love for his friend for some time now.
然而,乔治已经暗暗爱上这位朋友有一段时间了 。
Secret love affairs may be enticing; however, you must be prepared for the restraints that will follow.
秘密的恋情也许很诱人,但是,你也得做好准备,因为恋情带来的限制也会随之而来 。
Unfounded rumours about a secret love child have recently been lobbed at her ( she denies it).
关于她有一个秘密私生子的无端谣言近纠缠着她(她否认此事) 。
They immersed into my childhood life and made me keep the close distance and indefinable secret love to the country.
她们浸香了我的童年,并使我和乡村一直保持着贴心的距离与莫名的暗恋 。
Did you hear that Mother Theresa had many secret love affairs?
Their secret love affair lasted seven years.
他们的私情持续了七年 。
Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love?
Secret love affairs and exciting trysts are compelling.
秘密恋情,激动人心的幽会令你很动心 。
A secret love should stay secret.
秘密的情人就让她维持秘密吧 。
Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world.
有谁不曾为那暗恋而痛苦?我们总以为那份痴情很重,很重,是世上重的重量 。
Do someresearch choose carefully; gardenias denote secret love, orchids arealways lovely, showing beauty and refinement, while yellow roses mean friendship.
了解一些花语,精心挑选:栀子花象征着暗恋;兰花总是那么可人,代表美丽和优雅;而黄玫瑰代表友谊 。
Secret love makes me nervous. I want to run out of your would and find back my peace. However, the flashing passion holds me tightly.
暗恋是那么惶恐,多想逃出你的世界,找回往日的平静,但是涌出的激情却把我紧紧拴住 。
The secret love affair ended two years later when Laporte refused to move in ( 9) with Picasso after his partner, artist Francoise Gilot, left him.
这段秘密的恋情在两年后结束,因为毕加索的情人弗朗索瓦·吉洛离开他后,拉珀特也不想和他再继续交往下去了 。
Sometimes I interest the benefits of indulging in Secret Love, no money, no pollution, free men, How cool it is.
有时会醉心于暗恋的好处,省钱,无污染,无公害,逍遥自在,何其爽也 。
As its title suggests, the film is about heartbreaking, unrequited love.
正如题目所示,这部电影是关于令人心碎的、单相思的爱情故事 。
She fell in an unrequited love with the professor.
她单恋那位教授 。
