暗恋英语怎么说 暗恋怎么说英语怎么说

暗恋 英语 怎么说:暗恋,简单的说,即是没说出来的喜欢,其与明恋相对,可单方一厢情愿的暗恋,也可双方互相暗恋 。那你知道暗恋英语怎么说吗?下面东莞美联小编告诉你暗恋英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!
crush;unrequited love;secret Love

暗恋英语怎么说 暗恋怎么说英语怎么说

When I first met you, I crush you!
痴情已经经历十几年了,暗恋也过了 。
Spoony have been through ten years, like also.
你偷画我暗恋我的事情,现在大家都知道了 。
Now, everybody knows you have drawn my picture secretly.
小李:这我可不知道,但是我却暗恋了她四年啦 。
Li: That I do not know, but I did her four-year Secret Love you.
我可以做,但她以为我暗恋她 。
I would do it but she thinks I'm attracted to her.
他暗恋玛丽好久了 。
He has been carrying the torch for Mary for a long time.
我已暗恋你很久,但你总给我错误的感觉 。
I want you so long, but on and on you get me wrong.
这是我高中时暗恋你的原因之一 。
It's one of the reasons I had a crush on you in high school.
我也这么觉得 。瞧,他的暗恋对象不是来了!
I think so too. Look, here comes his crush!
你暗恋我多久了?一年,结果你一个屁也没放 。
You like me for what, a year, you didn't do anything about it.
我已经暗恋那个女孩很久了 。
I have played a porch for a girl for a long time.
【暗恋英语怎么说 暗恋怎么说英语怎么说】 这会我可醒了!吉娜有暗恋者了 。
Now I'm awake! Zina has a secret admirer.
当然有童鞋被骗了,被骗的结果就是大家都知道他暗恋谁了 。
Of course! Someone has been tricked; all of his friends know who he is admiring.
Did you have a crush on your best friend's sweet heart?
而一生中,或许再也没有什么时候,你会像暗恋时那样容易满足 。
At any time And life, perhaps no more time, will you like like as easy to meet.
他暗恋我们班上的一个女生 。
He has a crush on a girl in our class.
他正暗恋着你呢 。
He is crushing on you.
他已经暗恋一个女孩有2年了 。
He's been secretiy in love with a girI for two years.
Did I ever tell you why I gave up my crush on Superman?
有了这项应用,那些搞怪一族及喜好恶作剧的用户们就可以去暗恋自己的好友了 。而喜好浪漫的人们也可以给恋人和伴侣发去信息 。
Pranksters and mischievous users crush their best friends. Romantics also send messages to their lovers or spouses.
暗恋的思念没有甜蜜,只有悠长的钝痛 。
Like of the missing not sweet, only long blunt painful.
在罗斯暗恋瑞秋多年后,这个傻丫头终于发现了 。
After years of Ross mooning over Rachel, she finally found out that he was in love with her.
勇气,是寄情人卡给你暗恋的她,还签上你自己的名字 。
Courage is sending a valentine to someone you secretly admire, and signing your real name.
匆忙的让我不知所措,如此的暗恋 。
Rushed Let me know what to do, so the crush.
暗恋一位坐在我隔壁的可爱女孩 。
I had a crush on a lovely girl who sat next to me.
Li: That I do not know, but I did her four-year Secret Love you.
