你也一样英语怎么说 你也一样英语怎么讲( 三 )

Creating a DbUnit fixture to run at the test level means that a collection of test classes will share the same logic to properly seed a database before you run any tests.
创建一个DbUnit fixture并在测试级别上运行,这意味着运行任何测试之前,测试类的集合将共享相同的逻辑,为数据库正确地播种 。
Thank somebody for something and they are more likely to do the same thing again or to do something else you can thank them for.
表达感谢,对方便乐于再做同样的事情或者令你感谢的其他事情 。
Then, determine how much detail you need for the use case and use the same table to track your progress in gathering the information you need.
然后,决定你需要用例的多少细节,并使用相同的表来跟踪在采集你所需要信息方面的进度 。
There are many such stories and the point is always the same: Don't allow fear of failure to stop you.
这种例子不胜枚举,所要说明的道理只有一个:别让失败的恐惧停下你的脚步 。
To ensure that the autonumbered id fields get restored to the same value, be sure to drop all tables before you restore them.
为了确保自动编号的id字段被恢复为相同的值,一定要在恢复表前将它们全部删除 。
When you use datapools, Rational Functional Tester can deliver a different set of test data or the same set of test data to a 锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌 each time you play it back.
当您使用数据池时,Rational Functional Tester能在您每次回放脚本时将一组不同的测试数据或相同的测试数据提交到测试脚本 。
Bonita uses the same concept to associate fields with process variables, allowing you to build forms quickly directly from the process variables.
Bonita使用同一概念将字段和流程变量联系起来,允许您直接从流程变量快速构建表单 。
And since all cloud systems perform under the same general concepts, this technique should be useful to you regardless of which cloud platform ( or platforms) you choose to employ.
因为所有的系统是在相同的概念下执行的,不管您选择采用哪个(哪些)平台,该技术都会对您起到帮助作用 。
By the same token, it's more effective to write tests that you know you'll run often.
出于同样的原因,编写那些您知道将要经常运行的测试程序会更有效些 。
And I want every child to have the same chances to learn and dream and grow and thrive that you girls have.
与此同时,我希望每个孩子都有同样地机会学习、梦想、成长和追求你们女孩子应该拥有的东西 。
