你也一样英语怎么说 你也一样英语怎么讲

你也一样 英语 怎么说:你也一样会有需要别人帮忙的时候 。你也一样,这个词在英语交流中经常会说到 。那你知道你也一样英语怎么说吗?下面合肥美联小编告诉你你也一样英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!
the same to you

你也一样英语怎么说 你也一样英语怎么讲

“哎呀,哎呀!”麦金农叹息道,“你也一样 。”
'Oh dear, oh dear.' McKinnon sighed. 'You, too.'
也许你也一样 。
Maybe you have too.
没有我你也一样做不了 。
You can't do this without me either.
And the same to you! How dare you call me that!
他是一个聪明的学生,你也一样 。
He is a clever student, and so are you.
我知道,你也一样看不到我的付出 。
I know, you also see my efforts.
任何人都能去练习,你也一样 。
Anybody can go and practice, even you.
你对我有要求,我对你也一样 。
You want something from me, and I from vou.
我爱这个国家,你也一样,约翰·麦凯恩也一样 。
I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain.
大概你也一样吧 。
You probably are, too.
我很好,希望你也一样 。
I am fine and I hope that you are too.
我需要睡眠,你也一样 。
I need sleep and so do you!
他们会在第一时间告诉你真相,你也一样将真相告诉他们 。
They tell you the truth, the first time, and you do the same.
吉姆:你也一样 。
Jim: The same to you.
I have survived your predecessors, and I will survive you.
If it's all the same to you, I'd rather work at home
如果对你来说没什么差别,我宁愿在家中工作 。
'Goodbye, then, and thanks. Good luck.' — 'The same to you.'
“那么,再见,谢谢 。祝你好运 。”——“也祝你好运 。”
"you are a fool."" and the same to you, with knobs on"
“傻瓜!”“你才是呢,你是双料的 。”
Thank you! The same to you, Mary.
谢谢你!玛丽,也祝你快乐 。
If you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you.
如果你能让自己在看见别人时真的快乐和兴奋,他们看见你时也会有相同的感觉 。
Daniel: the same question to you.
丹尼尔:我也想问你同样的问题 。
If you choose a different platform, you can still leverage many of the same technologies to help you manage your cloud application.
如果您选择不同的平台,仍然可以利用这里提供的大部分技术管理云应用程序 。
It's all very well for you to laugh, but if the same thing ever happens to you, you'll laugh on the other side of your face.
你尽管笑你的,可是如果同样的事情发生在你的头上,你就得转喜为忧了 。
The LORD your God will do the same to all the peoples you now fear.
耶和华你神必照样待你所惧怕的一切人民 。
In the destroy closure, you perform the same tests to make sure that you aren't trying to delete records that don't exist.
在destroy闭包中,执行相同的测试,确保不删除不存在的记录 。
In this case, you use the same object to decrypt the content that you used to encrypt it.
在本例中,我们使用与加密过程中相同的对象对内容进行解密 。
