刀叉英语怎么说 刀叉英语怎么说读( 二 )

It is best to order food that can be eaten with a knife and fork.
比较好的方法是为了食物,也可以吃了刀叉 。
Where can I get a knife and fork?
The knife and fork is not mine.
这套刀叉不是我的 。
她放下了刀叉和杯子,久久凝视着他 。
She put down her utensils and stared at him for a long time.
我不经常使用刀叉,瞧我笨手笨脚的 。
I don't use knives and forks very often, look, how clumsy I am.
我们用刀叉吃牛排 。
We eat steak with knives and forks.
然后桌布、碗碟、勺羮和刀叉也磨出来了 。
Then he ground out a table ¬ cloth, and dishes, and spoons, and knives and forks.
这套刀叉不是我的 。
The knife and fork is not mine.
我们中国人用筷子而不用刀叉 。
We Chinese use chopsticks in place of knives and forks.
我帮忙妈妈将餐桌摆好刀叉 。
I helped mom set the table with knives and forks.
到中国餐馆用餐时,不用刀叉而得用筷子 。
When you go to a Chinese restaurant you have to use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork.
波克手里拿着一个盘子、一副刀叉和一条餐巾进来了 。
Pork entered the room, bearing a plate, silver and a napkin.
I hope I'm not rude but could I have a knife and fork, do you think?
我们吃饭用筷子代替刀叉 。
We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks at meals.
如果你不习惯用筷子,我们可以提供刀叉 。
If you're not used to the chopsticks, you could have forks and knives.
请给我一副新的刀叉 。
Please give me a new knife and fork.
如果你吃完了,(请)将刀叉放在盘子里 。
Put your knife and fork down on the plate if you've finished eating.
他说不会用筷子,就要了一付刀叉 。
He says he does not know how to use chopsticks and asks for a knife and fork instead.
As well, he ate his meals at a table, using a knife and fork.
此外,他在桌子上用刀和叉吃饭 。
Gifts to the Germans, the inappropriate choice knife, sword, scissors, knife and fork.
向德国人赠送礼品时,不宜选择刀、剑、剪、餐刀和餐叉 。
Please give me a new knife and fork.
请给我一副新的刀叉 。
We use a knife and fork. Try them, please.
我们用刀和叉,来试一试 。
Put your knife and fork down on the plate if you've finished eating.
如果你吃完了,(请)将刀叉放在盘子里 。
I hope I'm not rude but could I have a knife and fork, do you think?
But upper formation and diplomatic situation use knife and fork.
但上层和外交场合使用刀叉 。
I mean, was she using a knife and fork or eating with her hands.
In that case, shall I ask the waiter to bring you a knife and fork?
When you go to a Chinese restaurant you have to use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork.
到中国餐馆用餐时,不用刀叉而得用筷子 。
He says he does not know how to use chopsticks and asks for a knife and fork instead.
他说不会用筷子,就要了一付刀叉 。
Yes, if you like; but we can ask them for a knife and fork if you prefer.
对,只要您愿意;可是如果您想用刀叉,我们可以请他们给您配一副 。
Can you manage chopsticks or would you rather have a knife and fork?
They may like using chopsticks, but some may still prefer to use a knife and fork.
