其它英语怎么说 其他英语咋说

其它英语怎么说:其它,即其余的它者,物主代词 。在其他作人称代词时,其他与其它是区别的 。那你知道其它英语怎么说吗?下面惠州美联小编告诉你其它英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!
other; else; other one

其它英语怎么说 其他英语咋说

我们可以比照其它工厂的做法拟定计划 。
We can draw up our plan in the light of the experience of other factories.
对冰点的下降和其它数据的解释通常是复杂的 。
Interpretation of the cryoscopic and other data is often complicated.
其它多数金属没有这种平的屈服区域 。
Most other metals do not have such a flat yield region.
这些物质在其它的细胞膜中实际上是不存在的 。
These materials are virtually absent from other cytomembranes.
罗马和意大利其它地方的老百姓都称赞他是一个英雄 。
The common people in Rome and other parts of Italy praised him as a hero.
蕨类和其它草木在石头的边缘生长 。
Ferns and other greenery colonize rimstone.
同其它假冒品一样,它们看起来就像真的产品 。
Like other counterfeits, they look like real products.
有些品种比其它品种对毒害更敏感 。
Some cultivars are more susceptible to mold damage than others.
土壤ph值和其它环境变化也影响黑胫病 。
Soil pH and other environmental influences affect blank shank.
仅当货币交换其它经济财时,它才是一种营利工具 。
Money is an acquisitive instrument only when it is exchanged for some other economic good.
在这方面和许多其它方面,他们与医生和律师很相似 。
In this respect or many others, they are similar to doctors or lawyers.
除了filter()以外,字典可以使用其它和列表相同的内置函数和方法 。
In addition to filter(), dictionaries can use several other of the same built-in functions and procedures as lists.
Twitter和其它科技公司一样,将一些软件和其它研发成本进行了货币化 。
Twitter, like other technology companies, capitalizes some of its software and other development costs.
这些产品和其它基于Eclipse的产品降低了用户的“学习曲线”,因为它们具有类似的用户界面 。
These products and others based on Eclipse diminish the user's learning curve because of their similar UI.
Tyner Blain博客的许多其它入口提供了有价值的额外背景和观点 。
A number of other entries on the Tyner Blain blog provide valuable additional context and perspective.
该研究称,一些地区的水稻和大豆产量也有所降低&但其它地区的产量则有所提高 。
The study says rice and soybean yields have also decreased in some places& but increased in others.
What other systems interact with this system?
邮件列表和其它一些经验使我发现了几个错误,而且我已经纠正了其中的大部分 。
The mailing list and the other experiences have uncovered several bugs, and I have fixed most of them.
此外,我们也为其它许多公司创造了许多机会 。
We've also created opportunity for lots of other companies.
事情并不仅仅是工业化的捕鱼导致的金枪鱼和其它海洋经济物种减少 。
It's not just a matter of taking bluefin tuna and other valuable species out of the oceans through industrial fishing.
炼钢是基础工业,但是这个地区还有许多其它的有关工业-玻璃,有色金属、化学品、橡胶以及机械等工业部门 。
