法官英语怎么说 法官英语怎么说?( 三 )

The book, so far as I can judge, is remarkably accurate.
就我看来,这本书内容相当准确 。
The judge and jury hear all the evidence given by both sides.
法官和陪审团听取了双方的证词 。
The judge dismissed the suit.
法官驳回了诉讼 。
I gather his report is highly critical of the trial judge
据我所知,他在报道中毫不留情地批评了初审法官 。
His nine-month sentence was overturned by Appeal Court judge Lord Justice Watkins.
上诉法院法官沃特金斯撤销了对他作出的个月徒刑的判决 。
I judge it by common sense.
我靠常识判断 。
The judge rejected pleas for leniency and sentenced him to six months in prison
法官驳回了宽大处理的请求,判处他个月的监禁 。
A Spanish judge rejected the suit on procedural grounds
一个西班牙法官基于程序上的原因驳回了诉讼 。
The judge agreed with the prosecution that such information would be too prejudicial for the jury to hear.
法官同意了检控方的意见,认为让陪审团知晓这样的信息对断案十分不利 。
