上学期英语怎么说 上个学期用英语怎么说?

很多网友想了解上学期英语怎么说的相关知识 , 为了大家进一步的对上个学期用英语怎么说?所有了解 , 就跟小编一起来看看吧!
上学期 英语 怎么说:每一个学年都分为上学期和下学期 , 而上学期这个词在英语交流中经常会说到 。那你知道上学期英语怎么说吗?下面苏州美联小编告诉你上学期英语怎么说 , 大家一起来看看吧!
Last semester

上学期英语怎么说 上个学期用英语怎么说?

这学期汤姆学习比上学期用功多了 。
This term Tom studies a great deal harder than last term.
上学期她的成绩优良 。
She got good grades last semester.
上学期 , 我做了两个决定 。
Last semester, I have made two resolutions.
上学期 , 我参加了地理小组的研究型学习 。
Last term I took part in a geography research study group.
Have you revised the work we did last term?
在上学期里 , 我们学习了一般现在时和现在进行时 。
We have learned both the simple present tense and the present continuous tense last semester.
到上学期末为止 , 他们已经学了很多英文歌曲了 。
They had learned a lot of English songs by the end of last term.
How many subjects did you study last term?
上学期我们学校开设了驾驶课 。
We had last term at school.
上学期结束时 , 我们告别了我们的英语老师南希 。
At the end of last term, we said good-bye to Nancy, our English teacher.
How many English words had you learnt by last term?
在上学期结束时 , 我们举行了一次运动会 。
At the end of last term, we had a sports meet.
How many English films had you seen by the end of last term?
这是我们上学期四个夏季学生中的一个 , 也是医学预科 。
This is one of our summer students from this past summer, who is also premed.
这五个男孩儿上学期的英语考试不及格 。
These five boys failed in their English exam last term.
She got good grades last semester.
上学期她的成绩优良 。
Last semester, I have made two resolutions.
上学期 , 我做了两个决定 。
It is my last semester in this university.
这个学期将是我在这所大学的后一学期了 。
We have learned both the simple present tense and the present continuous tense last semester.
在上学期里 , 我们学习了一般现在时和现在进行时 。
I hope he passed his class last semester.
我希望他上学期及格了 。
We just hired him last semester.
我们上个学期才雇的他 。
I might have taken French last semester if I'd known it was offered.
如果知道了上个学期开设了法语课的话我会选学的 。
I cannot believe it is our last semester of high school.
真不敢相信这是我们高中的后一学期了 。
This school granted scholarship to those students who performed excellently in last semester.
这所学校给那些上学期表现优异的学生颁发了奖学金 。
Last semester, I forgot to do my homework.
上学期 , 我忘了做作业 。
He dated at least five girls last semester.
他上学期至少跟五个女孩约会过 。
Jack usually went to school on foot last semester.
杰克上个学期通常是步行去上学 。
Another two listening rooms were brought into service for study last semester.
