风景的 英语 怎么说每天坚持做对比的好习惯,做对比能够让我们熟悉自己的声音,而且能够很好的听出我们的发音与正确发音到底哪里不一样 。以下是小编为您整理的风景的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
scenery landscape
参见:杀风景[shā fēngjǐng]; scenery
风景优美 。
The scenery is beautiful.
风景宜人 。
The scenery is pleasant.
他的事情迟早会大煞风景 。
Sooner or later, his affairs will be a great shock.
厚厚的云把风景遮住了 。
Thick clouds obscured the landscape.
他们停了一会儿来欣赏风景 。
They stopped for a while to enjoy the scenery.
这地方风景如画,十分幽静 。
The place is picturesque and very quiet.

我喜欢风景画,不喜欢静物画 。
I prefer landscape paintings to still life paintings.
不知名的人们沿着点缀风景的小湖堤岸悠然徜徉 。
The unknown people stroll leisurely along the small lake embankment decorated with scenery.
这些画面上有风景,也有人物,然而后者更多一些 。
There are landscapes and characters in these pictures, but the latter are more.
这一带的风景真不错呢还是爵德太太开了个话头 。
The scenery in this area is really good, or Mrs. Lord made a start.
他们有些人回家了,有的到名胜风景区观光游览去了 。
【风景的英语怎么说 好风景的英语怎么说】Some of them went home, some of them went sightseeing in the scenic spots.
风景之地将会更加狼藉不堪,空气和水将会变得更脏 。
The landscape will be even more messy, and the air and water will become even dirtier.
在法国的两年,使他能看出这里的乡村风景是美丽的 。
Two years in France enabled him to see the beauty of the countryside here.
就是白利莱茜也似乎对这种有点平凡的风景稍感到失望 。
It was Baili Lai Xi, who seemed a little disappointed with this somewhat ordinary landscape.
杭州以风景优美为名 。
Hangzhou is famous for its beautiful scenery.
这画家长于风景画 。
This painter is longer than landscape painting.
公司租一个带临河风景的办事处 。
The company rents an office with river scenery.
那么现在的说明照理会大煞风景 。
Now the explanation will be a big surprise.
桂林风景令人称道 。
The scenery of Guilin is commendable.
这个风景区位于北京的西北远郊 。
This scenic spot is located in the outskirts of Northwest Beijing.
这倒不是今晚何以大煞风景的原因 。
This is not the reason why tonight is a big surprise.
薄雾遮住了风景 。
Mist obscured the landscape.
阿切尔夫人和小姐都酷爱自然风景 。
Mrs. Archer and miss are both fond of natural scenery.
那就太杀风景了 。
That's too much for the scenery.

他很虚心的跟在后头,不愿意煞风景 。
He followed with an open mind, unwilling to forget the scenery.
这里优美的风景吸引了越来越多的旅游者 。
The beautiful scenery attracts more and more tourists.
这个地方风景很美,树木成林,野味很多 。
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