种植用英语怎么说 种植用英语怎么说grow

很多网友想了解种植用英语怎么说的相关知识 , 为了大家进一步的对种植用英语怎么说grow所有了解 , 就跟小编一起来看看吧!
种植用 英语 怎么说应用永远是记住单词最好的方法 , 做题、读书看报、看电影 , 甚至仅仅是到超市买东西 , 都有很多英语标识供你学习 , 这些都是记单词的绝佳时机 。以下是小编为您整理的种植用英语怎么说的相关内容 。
栽 to plant
plant fruit trees
播种 to sow
sow cotton
至于种植方案 , 苏联绝大部分是种植麦类 。
As for planting schemes, most of the Soviet Union was planting wheat.
这个地区种植通心粉已有六百余年的历史 。
Macaroni has grown in this area for over six hundred years.

种植用英语怎么说 种植用英语怎么说grow

象挪威那样的国家 , 在温室中也能种植香蕉 。
Countries like Norway can also grow bananas in greenhouses.
那种植物将在春天发芽 。
That plant will sprout in spring.
它由多种植物汁组成 。
It consists of a variety of plant juices.
保护种植在开阔地的绿化地带 。
Protection is planted in the open green area.
他们把香蕉从种植园运到港口 。
They transported bananas from the plantation to the port.
这种植物只有雨季在水坑里出现 。
This plant only occurs in puddles during rainy season.
这种植物禁不住冻 。
This plant can not resist freezing.
他在菜园里种植自己的水果和蔬菜 。
He grows his own fruits and vegetables in the garden.
种植园主可以用少量投资获得高利 。
Plantation owners can get high profits with a small amount of investment.
通过育种已培养出可在北方种植的小麦品种 。
Through breeding, wheat varieties that can be planted in the north have been cultivated.
北部地区只能种植确实能抗冬季低温的品种 。
The northern region can only grow varieties that can really resist winter low temperatures.
他现在对所在区域和对种植园一样了如指掌 。
He is now as familiar with his area as the plantation.
作物种植日益集中在水分条件最有利的土壤上 。
Crop cultivation is increasingly concentrated on the most favourable soil conditions.
田间种植的植株通常比室内种植的植株光合率高 。
The plants planted in the field usually have higher photosynthetic rate than those planted indoors.
房间登记员以最地道的南部种植园主的口吻回答 。
The room registrar replied in the tone of the most authentic Southern plantation owner.
种植用英语怎么说 种植用英语怎么说grow

但是 , 灌溉使小麦和棉花的种植进一步向西推移 。
However, irrigation has made wheat and cotton growing further westward.
中国是世界上最早种植水稻的国家 。
China is the first country to plant rice in the world.
这里的农民种植小麦、燕麦和秣草 。
Farmers here grow wheat, oats and hay.
这给种植者以很好的机会将之耕翻 。
This gives the growers a good chance to plough them out.
这种植物怕冻 。
This plant is afraid of freezing.
【种植用英语怎么说 种植用英语怎么说grow】树种植在岸上 。
The trees are planted on the shore.
他种植幼苗 。
