车间用英语怎么说 实训车间用英语怎么说

很多网友想了解车间用英语怎么说的相关知识 , 为了大家进一步的对实训车间用英语怎么说所有了解 , 就跟小编一起来看看吧!
车间用 英语 怎么说首先我们要有这个决心 , 大量的单词我们已经掌握了 , 最难的一关过去了 , 现在就是要有决心 , 有毅力的坚持下去就好 , 学习英语从来都是一个循序渐进的过程 , 不是一朝一夕就可以掌握的 。以下是小编为您整理的车间用英语怎么说的相关内容 。
workshop machinery room plant shop floor machine shop
assembly workshop
casting and moulding workshop
developing and printing workshop
workshop director
workshop Party branch

车间用英语怎么说 实训车间用英语怎么说

workshop production meeting
老师带领我们参观了汽车厂的总装车间 。
The teacher showed us around the assembly workshop of the automobile factory.
织布车间获得了第二季度的流动红旗 。
The weaving workshop won the second quarter mobile red flag.
省委书记到车间慰问工人 , 给了工人们极大的鼓舞 。
The Secretary of the provincial Party Committee visited the workshop to consolate the workers and gave the workers great encouragement.
在车间里,他习惯于事必躬亲,自己不亲自过问总是放不下心 。
In the workshop, he is used to doing everything by himself, and he can't help himself without asking himself.
车间里的机器经过老吴一整修 , 每天生产都非常正常 , 工人们都称赞老吴是“老马识途” 。
The machines in the workshop were repaired by Lao Wu Yi. Every day production was very normal. The workers praised Lao Wu as "old horse knows the way".
他们车间尽是些老弱残兵,工作效率很差 。
Their workshops are old and weak, and their work efficiency is very poor.
在技术革新方面 , 他和车间的工人组成一个小组 , 一马当先 , 成绩显著 。
In terms of technological innovation, he and the workers in the workshop formed a group, leading the way, with remarkable results.
校领导经过艰苦奔波,终于创办起一个微机打印车间 。
After hard work, the school leaders finally set up a microcomputer printing workshop.
技术员要改革一下生产工序 , 却遭到了车间主任的百般刁难 , 说他这是出风头 , 抬高自己 。
Technicians want to reform the production process, but encountered the director of the workshop all kinds of difficulties, said that he was a show-off, elevate themselves.
那些工头们 , 个个如惊弓之鸟 , 巴不得赶快飞出车间 。
The foreman, all of whom were frightened, were eager to fly out of the workshop.
车间用英语怎么说 实训车间用英语怎么说

加工车间新进了几个年轻人后 , 真是如虎添翼 , 生产数量大幅提高 。
After the introduction of several young people in the processing workshop, it was indeed a powerful addition, and the production volume increased significantly.
在技术革新运动中,车间里八仙过海,各显神通,很快解决了生产中的十几项关键问题 。
In the technological innovation movement, the Eight Immortals in the workshop crossed the sea, each showing his own magic, and soon solved more than a dozen key problems in production.
