车间用英语怎么说 实训车间用英语怎么说( 二 )

厂长从生产角度出发,调整了各车间的人员配备 。
From the production point of view, the factory director adjusted the staffing of the workshop.
车间里两位主任的思想和工作方法总不一致,如同方底圆盖,所以什么工作也搞不出成绩来 。
In the workshop, the two directors'ideas and working methods are always inconsistent, like a square bottom round cover, so nothing can be done.
胶印压痕包装成品各车间层次分明 , 工作环境秩序井然 。
Offset printing and indentation products are well organized and the working environment is orderly.
张厂长一听机修车间又出了事故,心想,这才真是一波未平,一波又起 。
Mr. Chang once listened to the machine repair shop and had an accident. He thought that this was indeed a wave of unfairness.
你不要坐在办公室闭目塞听,最好是到车间亲眼看看 。
【车间用英语怎么说 实训车间用英语怎么说】You should not sit in the office and shut your eyes up. You'd better see it in the workshop.
