阳光用英语怎么说 阳光明媚用英语怎么说

阳光用 英语 怎么说常言说,“好脑筋不如烂笔头” 。老师讲的知识可能在课堂上记住了,可是过了一段时间,就会忘记,所以,做好笔记很有必要 。以下是小编为您整理的阳光用英语怎么说的相关内容 。
sunny room
put the flowers in the sun
阳光灿烂 。
The sunshine is bright.
房间里阳光充足 。
There's plenty of sunshine in the room.
形容人健康开朗、充满活力 sunny
他阳光、健康的形象,低调、高品位的独特人格魅力,代表了中国年轻进取型精英的风范,与沃尔沃的车主形象高度契合 。
His sunny and healthy image and the unique charm of his understated and tasteful personality represents a model for Chinese upwardly-mobile elite youth, and is highly in keeping with the image of a Volvo owner.

阳光用英语怎么说 阳光明媚用英语怎么说

象他这样的选手在中国是很少见的,除了其本身成绩之外,其阳光健康的形象为其身价的提升增色不少 。
Athletes like him are rarely seen in China. Apart from his own achievements, his sunny and healthy image has contributed a lot to the increase in his net worth.
植物生长需要阳光、水分和空气 。
Plants need sunlight, water and air for growth.
正午的阳光热辣辣地照着干燥的沙漠 。
The midday sun was shining scorching on the dry desert.
刚才天空都是阳光灿烂,俄而,又是乌云翻滚了 。
Just now the sky was sunny, and Russia was rolling again.
明亮的阳光轻轻地洒落在草原上 。
The bright sunlight fell gently on the grassland.
绿油油的禾苗沐浴在温暖的阳光里 。
The green seedlings are bathed in the warm sunshine.
春天到来了,温暖的阳光普照着大地 。
Spring is coming, and the warm sunshine is shining on the earth.
今天阳光灿烂,正是郊游的好日子 。
The sun is shining today. It's a good day for outing.
请打开窗户,让温暖的阳光照进来 。
Please open the window and let the warm sunlight shine in.
庄严的国徽在阳光下闪耀着金色的光芒 。
The Golden Emblem of the solemn national emblem shines in the sunlight.
清明节这天,阳光灿烂,碧空如洗 。
On the day of Ching Ming Festival, the sun is shining and the sky is clear.
阳光用英语怎么说 阳光明媚用英语怎么说

春天到了,温暖的阳光普照着大地 。
When spring comes, warm sunshine shines on the earth.
太阳光透过树叶照在林间的草地上,显得斑驳陆离 。
Sunlight shines through the leaves on the grass in the forest.
军帽上的红五星,在阳光下闪闪发光 。
The red five stars on the army cap glittered in the sunlight.
炽热的阳光炙烤着大地 。
The hot sun roasted the earth.
春天了,阳光下百花争艳 。
In spring, the flowers are in full bloom in the sunshine.
这些种子会让世界阳光明媚,花团锦簇 。
These seeds will make the world sunny and colorful.
文职人员三五成群在阳光下聊天 。
【阳光用英语怎么说 阳光明媚用英语怎么说】Civilian personnel were chatting in the sun in small groups.
