发展的英语怎么说 发展的英语怎么说名词( 二 )

Over the past few years, China's postal and Telecommunications undertakings have developed rapidly, and communication networks are distributed throughout the urban and rural areas.
发展生产就是为了满足人民生活的需要 。
The development of production is to meet the needs of people's lives.
商品交换可以互通有无 , 促进经济发展 。
Commodity exchange can interact with each other and promote economic development.
国民经济快速、健康地发展 , 说明我们采取的方针政策是正确的 。
The rapid and healthy development of the national economy shows that our policies and policies are correct.
改革开放促进了经济发展 , 每个人都从中获得了好处 。
Reform and opening up have promoted economic development, and everyone has benefited from it.
随着经济的快速发展 , 劳动者的物质待遇也不断提高 。
【发展的英语怎么说 发展的英语怎么说名词】With the rapid development of economy, the material benefits of labourers are also improving.
