问题的英语怎样说 一些问题的英语怎么说( 二 )

问题的英语怎样说 一些问题的英语怎么说

学校正积极设法解决同学们的饮水问题 。
【问题的英语怎样说 一些问题的英语怎么说】Schools are actively trying to solve their drinking problems.
因专心于学习,他对我所提的问题口不应心 。
Absorbed in his studies, he failed to listen to my questions.
一提到这个问题他便借故规避了 。
At the mention of the problem, he evaded it.
我应依靠自己的力量来解决问题 。
I should rely on my own strength to solve problems.
这次会议的主要内容是讨论义务教育问题 。
The main content of this conference is to discuss the issue of compulsory education.
学校接受同学们的意见 , 及时解决了饮水问题 。
The school accepted the opinions of the students and solved the problem of drinking water in time.
必须认真对待和解决前进中出现的各种问题 。
We must take seriously and solve all kinds of problems in the process.
这一问题,我们必须从大处着眼 。
We must focus on this issue.
当老师把问题答案公布出来时,他才恍然大悟 。
When the teacher announced the answer to the question, he suddenly realized.
