担忧用英语怎么说 为什么感到担忧用英语怎么说

担忧用 英语 怎么说同学们只是用眼看或默读,这样就只有视觉信息,而没有听觉信息在大脑里的反馈,当然记忆也不会太深刻,口部肌肉也得不到锻炼,也就很难练就一口纯正的英语 。以下是小编为您整理的担忧用英语怎么说的相关内容 。
worry be concerned
to be anxious
there's no need to worry - he won't be in any danger
【担忧用英语怎么说 为什么感到担忧用英语怎么说】爷爷退休了还在为祖国的前途担忧 。
Grandpa retired and was worried about the future of his motherland.

担忧用英语怎么说 为什么感到担忧用英语怎么说

听说他病了,我们都很为他担忧 。
We were all worried about him when he heard that he was ill.
他的病情起伏不定,让人很是担忧 。
His illness is fluctuating and worrying.
俗话说:儿行千里母担忧,做父母的总为儿女操心 。
As the saying goes, children worry about thousands of mothers. Parents always worry about their children.
北方土地沙化越来越严重,前景令人担忧 。
The desertification of the north is becoming more and more serious, and the prospect is worrying.
公司的职员各分派系,革凡成圣,真让人为公司前途担忧 。
The company's staffing and distribution departments are very worried about the company's future.
公司的职员各分派系,钩心斗角,真让人为公司前途担忧 。
The company's staffing and distribution departments are really worried about the future of the company.
快考试了,他还是若无其事的样子,父母真为他担忧 。
After the exam, he was still as if nothing had happened. His parents really worried about him.
不安坐立不安与担忧都是精神上不安的表现 。
Restlessness and worry are manifestations of mental uneasiness.
儿行千里母担忧,母亲总是那个为你牵肠挂肚的人 。
The mother is always worried about your mother.
目前,世界某些地区的时局动荡不安,令人非常担忧 。
At present, the current situation in some parts of the world is turbulent and worrying.
这个不知稼穑艰辛的富家子一贯挥金如土,让父母担忧 。
The rich family, who did not know how to work hard, was always worried about their parents.
担忧用英语怎么说 为什么感到担忧用英语怎么说

坐立不安与担忧都是精神上不安的表现 。
Restlessness and worry are manifestations of mental uneasiness.
但政府对他们的担忧充耳不闻 。
But the government turned a deaf ear to their worries.
将百数十年前的旧事重提,既非"替古人担忧",亦非"借酒浇愁" 。
It is neither "worry for the ancients" nor "worry about drinking".
他的健康很令人担忧 。
His health is very worrying.
回想起前天还神采奕奕的她,和眼前这些人如何真心地关怀和担忧她 。
Recalling how she was still alive the day before yesterday, and how these people really care and worry about her.
这位老人小心谨慎了一生,如有风吹草动,就马上诚惶诚恐地替别人替自己担忧 。
The old man had been cautious all his life, and if the wind blows, he immediately worries about himself for others in horror.
