素质用 英语 怎么说【素质用英语怎么说 心理素质用英语怎么说】现在社会的发展节奏越来越快,中国同世界的交流接触也愈加频繁,对于语言的需要也体现得越来越明显 。在全国各地都掀起了一阵学习外语的风潮 。以下是小编为您整理的素质用英语怎么说的相关内容 。
inner quality basic essence change over time
本来的性质 quality
further enhance political and military qualities
improve the general quality of the economy
improve the all-round quality of the people
教育改革的目标是变应试教育为素质教育 。
The goal of education reform is to change exam oriented education into quality education.
大力普及九年义务教育,提高全民族的素质 。
We should vigorously popularize nine - year compulsory education and improve the quality of the whole nation.
为了加强素质教育,学校改革了考试方法 。
In order to enhance quality education, the school has reformed the examination method.
老师十分重视培养学生的全面素质 。
Teachers attach great importance to training students' overall quality.
学校老师十分关注学生的素质教育 。
School teachers are very concerned about the quality education of students.
经过锻炼,我的身体素质大大增强了 。
After exercising, my physical quality was greatly enhanced.
我们要多参加体育活动,增强自己的身体素质 。
We should take part in sports activities to enhance our physical quality.
体育竞赛是一项对身体素质和思想素质双重考验的活动 。
Sports competition is a double test of physical quality and ideological quality.
在小学推行素质教育,还要克服一些阻力 。
To carry out quality education in primary schools, we must overcome some obstacles.
素质教育意在培养学生各方面的能力 。
Quality education aims at cultivating students' abilities in all aspects.
重点大学要为国家培养造就高素质的人才 。
Key universities should cultivate high-quality talents for the country.
提高全民族的文化素质,是教育的重要任务 。
Improving the cultural quality of the whole nation is an important task of education.
我们要认真贯彻执行党的教育方针,努力提高国民素质 。
We must conscientiously implement the party's educational policy and strive to improve the quality of our citizens.
搞好教育,关键是要有一支高素质的教师队伍 。
To do well in education, the key to is to have a high-quality faculty.
国家建设需要大批高素质的人才 。
National construction needs a large number of high-quality talents.
真的有男生彬彬有礼仅仅是因为从小就有素质有家教 。
Boys are really polite, just because they have tutors in their childhood.
教育是提高全民素质中的一个关键的环节 。
Education is a key link in improving the quality of the whole people.
素质教育就是要让学生各得其所,各展其长 。
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