相处的英语怎么说 和睦相处的英语怎么说

相处的 英语 怎么说其实英语的学习过程很像盖一座大楼,单词就好像是楼的地基,只要地基打得好,就算盖再高的楼都没问题,可见单词在英语学习中的重要性,所以一些基础的单词一定是要掌握的 。以下是小编为您整理的相处的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
get along with
to get along with
have peaceful relations with
hard to get along with
have had a long relationship
我们主张和邻国和睦相处,友好往来 。
We advocate harmonious relations with neighbouring countries and friendly exchanges.
全国各民族友好相处,共同创造美好的生活 。
All ethnic groups in the country get along well and create a good life together.

相处的英语怎么说 和睦相处的英语怎么说

小云一家与邻居相处得很和睦 。
Xiao Yun gets along well with his neighbors.
邻居之间要互相关照,和睦相处 。
Neighbors should take care of each other and live in harmony.
我们要和邻国和睦相处,确保边境的安宁 。
We must live in harmony with our neighbours and ensure peace on the border.
邻国之间应当和睦相处,不能互相制造麻烦 。
Neighbouring countries should live in harmony and not create trouble for one another.
我们的班长快人快语,跟他相处很愉快 。
Our monitor is very happy and happy to get along with him.
他们两人虽才认识,却相处得如鱼得水,真是相见恨晚 。
Though the two of them knew each other, they got along like a duck to water.
能推己及人,朋友间的相处就容易多了 。
It's easier to get along with friends if you push yourself.
他与同事相处,一向抱着以直抱怨的宗旨,因此往往能化敌为友,融洽共处 。
He has always been with his colleagues for the purpose of complaining directly, so he can often turn enemies into friends and live in harmony.
一家人,只要相处和睦,粗茶淡饭的日子也是一种幸福 。
A family, as long as get along well with each other, a simple life is also a kind of happiness.
找到能与地球跟友善相处的途径,否则我们将自取其咎 。
Find ways to get along well with the earth, otherwise we will take our own blame.
他俩平日相处虽不甚和睦,但在面临共同危难之时,还是风雨共舟,患难与共 。
Although they did not get along very well on weekdays, they shared weathers and hardships in the face of common dangers.
咱们相处不是一天两天了,快马一鞭,我信得过你 。
We didn't get along with each other for two days.
相处的英语怎么说 和睦相处的英语怎么说

和女性相处时要懂得怜香惜玉,不然没人愿意与你交往 。
When you get along with women, you need to know how to feel pity, or no one wants to associate with you.
他们在八年抗战中,朝夕相处,算得上是患难之交了 。
In the eight years of the war of resistance against Japan, they get along with each other.
他们三个好朋友周而不比,相处融洽 。
Their three good friends get along well with each other.
这人豁达大度,很容易相处 。
This man is open-minded and easy to get along with.
鸡和小狗之所以能够和睦相处,是因为它们在食物上共同点不多 。
The reason why chickens and puppies live together is that they do not have much in common with food.
