方式的英语怎么说 出行方式的英语怎么说

方式的 英语 怎么说学习英语,我们还应该多听,无论是精听还是泛听,你一定要给自己营造一种学习英语的氛围,如边打扫卫生边听英文,坐车时听英文,久而久之你就习惯了这种方式 。以下是小编为您整理的方式的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
way pattern style mode manner
way of life
method of production
working style
voting method
in the friendliest manner
in an administrative manner

方式的英语怎么说 出行方式的英语怎么说

when criticizing someone, attention should be paid to the manner in which it is done
人民的生活水平提高了,生活方式也有很大改变 。
The living standard of the people has improved and the way of life has changed a lot.
大学毕业生就业采取“双向选择”的方式,不再由国家统一分配 。
The employment of university graduates is a two-way choice and is no longer allocated by the state.
我们萍水相逢,用不着留下联系方式 。
We meet by chance. There is no need to leave a contact.
全国人民代表大会的代表,是通过间接选举的方式产生的 。
The representative of the National People's Congress was formed through indirect election.
我们应采取渐进的方式向前进 。
We should move forward in a gradual way.
他在解放前,特别在抗战前,似曾以他独特的方式,把儒释道熔于一炉 。
Before liberation, especially before the war of resistance against Japan, he used his unique way to melt Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.
就培养方式而言,情感教育的渗透无疑是终南捷径 。
In terms of training mode, the penetration of emotional education is undoubtedly a shortcut.
同学对毕业旅行的方式议论纷紜,莫衷一是 。
【方式的英语怎么说 出行方式的英语怎么说】The students have different opinions on the way of graduation trip.
随机应变是一种处事方式,也是一种智慧 。
Acting according to circumstances is a way of doing things, and it is also a kind of wisdom.
方式的英语怎么说 出行方式的英语怎么说

如今我的生活方式和原本的构想,可说是南辕北辙,全不相干 。
Now my way of life and the original idea are poles apart.
这种理想的连结方式,让其它各类接合方式瞠乎其后 。
This ideal way of linking makes all other forms of connection disappear.
因此,了解别人最好的方式就是倾听 。
Therefore, the best way to get to know others is to listen.
只要按照这种方式学习,坚持一年半载后形成习惯就好了 。(造 句 网)
As long as you learn in this way, you will be able to form a habit after a year or so. (sentence net)
写作论说文,以开门见山的方式破题,也是常见的技巧 。
It is also a common skill to write essays and solve problems in an open way.
经验要随宜而变,你不能千篇一律地採用一个方式要去应付各种情况 。
Experience should be changed according to circumstances. You can't adopt the same way to deal with all kinds of situations.
灯红酒绿的生活方式,只会使人堕落 。
A bright and bright lifestyle will only lead to degeneration.
