梦想的 英语 怎么说学会简化与总结 。将冗长而杂乱的知识,进行简化处理、归纳总结 。不仅便于记忆便于理解,而且在总结的过程中培养了学习的能力 。以下是小编为您整理的梦想的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
dream of dream
妄想 vain hope
crazy vain hope
渴望,幻想 dream
never have dreamed
梦想实现了 。
The dream has come true.
梦想成真 。
The dream is coming true.
这已经不是梦想了 。
This is no longer just a dream.
我梦想着有一天能纵横驰骋在大草原上 。
I dream that one day I can ride on the prairie.
他梦想着在广阔的蓝天上飞翔 。
He dreamed of flying in the vast blue sky.
尽管梦想离我们很远,我们却在一点点努力 。
Though our dream is far away from us, we are making a little effort.
有时候,我们把梦想当作一种幻想,而不是一种可能 。
Sometimes, we regard dreams as a fantasy, not a possibility.
人类因能完成梦想而伟大,但梦想的实现,绝非一朝一夕可达成 。
Human beings are great because they can fulfill their dreams, but the realization of dreams is not achieved overnight.
生命因梦想而绚丽多彩,生命因梦想而迸发活力 。绚丽多彩造句 。
Life is colorful because of dreams, and life is bursting with vitality by dreams. Colorful sentences.
人类的梦想是从根本上征服衰老,科学家正孜孜以求 。
The dream of mankind is to fundamentally conquer aging. Scientists are striving for it.
我的梦想是日后要向航天事业作一番贡献,要取得这样的成果,当务之急应该要好好学习 。
My dream is to contribute to the space industry in the future. To achieve such results, it is imperative to study hard.
这个五光十色的城市,每天都在吞噬着小小的梦想 。
This colorful city is devouring little dreams every day.
金碧辉煌的故宫是我一直梦想的地方 。
The resplendent the Imperial Palace is a dream I have always dreamed of.
现代科技日新月异,复製动物已经不是梦想 。
With the rapid development of modern technology, replicating animals is no longer a dream.
我梦想我有一天也可以住进一座金碧辉煌的宫殿 。
I dream that I can live in a splendid palace one day.
申奥成功成就梦想,德高望重的何振梁获终身成就奖 。
The Olympic bid succeeded and the dream of He Zhenliang won the lifetime achievement award.
如果要实现自己的梦想,就要有精卫填海的精神 。
【梦想的英语怎么说 这是我的梦想的英语怎么说】If we want to realize our dream, we must have the spirit of Jingwei filling the sea.
他相信只要自己努力,梦想终会有如愿以偿的一天 。
He believed that as long as he worked hard, his dream would come true.
我非常清楚要实现自己的梦想,就要有精卫填海的精神 。
I am very clear that to realize our dream, we must have the spirit of Jingwei filling the sea.
以前的梦想总是那么的遥远,卑微,甚至说是不切实际,如果让朋友知道简直贻笑大方 。
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