成绩的英语怎么说 英文成绩怎么说

成绩的 英语 怎么说很多高校都有英语角,英语沙龙的活动,那里会汇聚很多的英语爱好者或者外国人,建议去参加此类活动,在那里,你会找到你志同道合之人,和他们交流,绝对会使你的口语有个大的提升 。以下是小编为您整理的成绩的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
result score mark achievement
achievements in production
on the foundations of what has already been achieved
学生们的成绩良好 。
The students got good marks.
test results
obliterate results
achieve great results at work

成绩的英语怎么说 英文成绩怎么说

我们的工作成绩是主要的 。
Our achievements at work are the main thing.
我的学习成绩比以前有很大进步 。
I have made great progress in my academic performance than before.
取得了一点成绩李明就有点志得意满了 。
Li Ming got a bit of a success when he got a little achievement.
王老师在教学改革上取得了显著成绩 。
Mr. Wang has made remarkable achievements in teaching reform.
姐姐废寝忘食地复习功课,终于以优异的成绩考上了重点大学 。
My sister went to bed and forgot her lessons, and finally went to a key university with excellent results.
全班同学同心协力,终于取得了好成绩 。
The whole class worked together and finally achieved good results.
我在班里担任学习委员,就应该拿出最出色的学习成绩 。
As a member of my study in my class, I should bring out the best academic achievements.
小明各科成绩都很好,尤其语文更突出 。
Xiao Ming's subjects are very good, especially in Chinese.
取得这种成绩需要付出十倍的努力 。
This achievement requires ten times the effort.
对他的工作,首先要肯定成绩,然后再实事求是地指出缺点 。
For his work, we must first recognize the achievements and then point out shortcomings in a practical way.
他所取得的成绩,让人不得不对他另眼相看 。
His achievements have made people feel different about him.
校长勉励获奖的同学继续努力,争取取得更好的成绩 。
The president encouraged the award-winning students to continue their efforts to achieve better results.
成绩的英语怎么说 英文成绩怎么说

一有成绩,他在同学面前就趾高气扬了 。
As soon as he got results, he was very arrogant in front of his classmates.
即使我们在学习上取得了优异的成绩,也不能骄傲自满 。
Even if we have achieved excellent results in study, we must not be conceited.
爸爸从事销售工作成绩显著,因而被提拔为销售部经理 。
Dad was promoted to be a sales manager because of his remarkable achievements in sales.
运动员的好成绩是他们刻苦训练的结果 。
The good performance of athletes is the result of their hard training.
有今天的成绩我们可以瞻望未来 。
With today's achievements, we can look forward to the future.
这孩子笨头笨脑的,怪不得成绩不好 。
The child is so clumsy that no wonder his grades are bad.
优异的学习成绩必然属于那些勤奋好学的同学 。
Excellent academic performance is bound to belong to those who are studious and eager to learn.
