岗位的英语怎么说 岗位的英文怎么写

岗位的 英语 怎么说时刻不忘练习英语口语,从简单开始,从生活中学习,比如去超市买东西想一下每一件东西用英文怎么说,如何用英文描述等,无时无刻不学习 。以下是小编为您整理的岗位的英语怎么说的相关内容 。
post job
指职位 post
job position
labour job
combat role

岗位的英语怎么说 岗位的英文怎么写

hold the fort
他在平凡的岗位上做出了不平凡的业绩 。
He has made extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts.
节日里,战士们仍无怨无悔地坚守着自己的工作岗位 。
During the festival, the soldiers were still holding their jobs without complaining.
他在平凡的岗位上,做出了非凡的成就 。
He has made extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts.
爸爸是个平凡的人,却在自己的岗位上做出了不平凡的贡献 。
Dad is an ordinary person, but he has made extraordinary contributions in his post.
【岗位的英语怎么说 岗位的英文怎么写】大病初愈的他拖着衰弱的身子重返工作岗位 。
He recovered from his illness and dragged himself down to work.
他认认真真地坚守自己的工作岗位 。
He sticks to his job conscientiously.
在平凡的岗位上同样有着伟大的事业 。
In the ordinary position also has the great cause.
这个不甘寂寞的女强人又走了工作岗位 。
The unwilling strong woman went to work again.
他在平凡的工作岗位上做出了不平凡的贡献 。
He made extraordinary contributions to ordinary jobs.
他的康复情形良好,回到工作岗位的时刻指日可待 。
His recovery is in good condition and the time to return to work is just around the corner.
岗位的英语怎么说 岗位的英文怎么写

应该把那些德才兼备的年轻人提拔到领导岗位上来 。
Young people with both ability and integrity should be promoted to leading posts.
行道树就像一个坚守岗位的士兵,又像是街道的看守者 。
Street trees are like soldiers who stick to their posts. They are also Street watchers.
广大共青团员离开工作岗位,义无反顾地投奔到抗洪第一线 。
The Communist Youth League members left their posts and went to the front line of fighting against floods without hesitation.
在县长这个岗位上,他已是崭露头角,兴建了几个富民工程,解决了几件“难事”,因而受到了全县人民的好评 。
In the post of county magistrate, he has come to the fore by building several projects to enrich the people and solving several "difficult problems", which has been praised by the people of the whole county.
他上窜下跳终于将儿子安排到重要的岗位 。
He jumped up and down and finally arranged his son to the important post.
他刚走上工作岗位,书生气十足,但是事实上光凭热情是不可能让一切问题迎刃而解的 。
He had just come to work and was very bookish, but in fact, enthusiasm alone could not solve all the problems.
毕业时,同学们都满怀豪情壮志地走上不同的工作岗位 。
When graduating, students went to different jobs with lofty aspirations and aspirations.
