化学用英语怎么说 物理用英语怎么说

化学的英语单词为chemistry,读音:英式读音为[?kem?stri],美式读音为[?kem?stri] 。chemistry作为名词,是可数名词,基本含义有“化学”、“物质的化学组成”,复数形式为chemistries 。

化学用英语怎么说 物理用英语怎么说

化学的英语单词为chemistry,读音:英式读音为[?kem?stri],美式读音为[?kem?stri] 。
chemistry作为可数名词,意为化学;物质的化学组成(或性质);(常指有强烈性吸引力的)两人间的关系 。例句有:
1、The patient's blood chemistry was monitored regularly.
那名患者的血液化学成分受到了定时的监测 。
2、The chemistry just wasn't right.
他俩就是擦不出火花 。
3、We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere...
我们确实改变了地球大气层的化学构成 。
4、I'm hoping to do a chemistry degree.
我希望攻读化学学位课程 。
5、Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.
化学是19世纪初期最杰出的实验室科学 。
6、The effect on our blood chemistry is such that it produces physical changes in our entire body.
我们血液的化学成分所受影响很大,致使全身都发生变化 。
7、We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere
我们确实改变了地球大气层的化学构成 。
8、Janis and I became friends but we were never close. The chemistry wasn't there.
我和贾妮斯成了朋友,可我们从未走得太近,没有那种感觉 。
9、At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.
他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了 。
10、He did well in mathematics, but barely scraped through in chemistry.
他数学考得不错,但化学只是勉强及格 。
数学的英文:math或者mathematics 。math其读音为:英[m?θ],美[m?θ] 。n.数学(等于mathematics)
1.She is forward in English but backward in math.
她的英语有进步,但数学落后 。
2.I solve my math problems on the computer.
我在电脑上解决我的数学问题 。
3.It provides you with set of Math Book, functions and variables.
它为您提供了一套数学书,函数和变量 。
4.I'm going to have tests in English and math tomorrow.
我明天将参加英语和数学的考试 。
生物的英语表达是:biology,音标:英 [ba???l?d?i]美 [ba??ɑ?l?d?i] 。形容词:biological,生物学的;名词:biologist,生物学家 。
How far is human nature determined by biology?
The biology of these diseases is terribly complicated.
这些疾病的机理极其复杂 。
We dissected a frog in biology class.
我们在生物课上解剖了一只青蛙 。
Even biology undergraduates may balk at animal experiments
面对动物实验,哪怕是生物专业的大学生也会畏缩 。
Most of my colleagues in biology are still very mechanistic in their thinking.
我在生物学领域的大多数同事思想仍十分僵化 。
An A-level pass in Biology is preferred for all courses
【化学用英语怎么说 物理用英语怎么说】不管读什么课程,生物学高级证书考试尽量都要及格 。
