刚买了白色的4G版T1手机 , 让朋友从国内带到美国 , 发现只能连接ATT的2G网络 。。。设置完APN也不行 。
最近两天和客服联系了几次 , 以下是ATT客服的原话:
"I will need to involve another department. We will have to update our information to match the band widths that the phone can handle. ...."
我又问了他是不是手机支持的band width没法和ATT的match(i.e. 是不是个硬件问题) , 他回复说:
"it is a programming issue. We do not recognize your phone and need to tell the network that the phone is ok to get 4G"
最后他说:I have completed the request, but it can take up to 2 weeks. I recommend rebooting the phone once a day to see if you can get 4G. If you do not have 4G in a few weeks, please call or chat back in and we can look into it further.
如有更新的消息我再告诉大家 。:)
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