
1,四年级上册英语复习题 以书后单词表为主,多读背课文…… 您可以根据自己对单词的熟练情况自己总结 。相信您一定会做的很好!


2,邮政路小学四年级上册期末试卷英语一.选择适当的字母或字母组合,并在横线上写出中文(8%) 。()_______1. br______ dA. eeB. eaC. ae ()_______2. p_______A. areB. reaC. ear ()_______3. pict____A.ureB. uerC. eru()_______4. playgr_____ndA.euB. auC. ou ()_______5. wait______A. erssB. sresC.ress ()_______6. f____ndA. rieB. eirC.ire ()_______7. off____A.eicB. iceC.eci ()_______8. b____A.yuB.ueC.uy 二.翻译词组(11%) 。1.在车站附近 ______the______2. 去医院 ______to the ______ 3.在冰箱里 ______ the ______4. 我们的新教室 ______ new ______ 5. 一些课桌椅 ____________ and______6. 一杯橙汁a ______ of ____________ 7 Lets hurry .____________________8. I love China.___________.9. Let me try again._______________10. lots of songbooks________________三.选择(10%) 。()1. Where ______ my tea ? ______ on the table .A. are ; TheyreB. is ; ItsC. is; Theyre()2. Something to_______ ? Apple juice , please .A. eatB. drinkC.have()3. There _________a pen and some books on the desk .A. isB. areC. have()4. _______ in the box ?______some chocolate .A.Whats ; ItsB. Whats ;TheresC. Wheres ;There are()5. How much ______ the sweets ? _______ 20 yuan .A. are ; ItsB. is ; ItsC. are ; Theyre()6. We can see lots of bowls in the _________.A.classroomB. bathroomC.cupboard()7. How do we go to the theatre? ________ .A. All rightB. Thank youC. By minibus()8. Mr Green is my mothers brother . Hes my ______A. brotherB. unleC. aunt ()9.There is ______ airport in Nanjing .A. aB. anC. some()10. Whats the______ job ? Hes a driver .A.her fathersB. womansC. mans四.看图完成对话(15%) 。1.______ in the bag ?There ______ some _______ . 2.Theresno _______ in the _______ . 3.Can I help you ? A ______ of______,please .________ ______ is it ? ______ yuan,please. 4..Whats _______ job ?_______ a_______ . 5.. _______ they_______ ? Yes , they are . 五.选用方框中的句子填空,把序号写在横线上(6 %) 。A. Whats in the music room ?B. Something to drink ?C. I can see some trees . D. Whats for breakfast ?E.No, I dont want to .F.No , but Id like to try . 1.___________________A sandwich and some bread . 2.What can you see in the picture ?___________________ 3.___________________A bottle of juice , please . 4.___________________Theres a pianoand some guitars . 5.Lets go to see the doctor .___________________ 6.Can you use chopsticks ?___________________六. 阅读理解(10%) A.朗读对话,根据对话内容选择正确的答案 (M= ManG=Girl) M: Excuse me.G: Yes? M: Is this train for Wuxi?G: Yes, you are right. This way ,please. M: Thank you very much.G: Youre welcome. ()1. The man and the girl are at the. A: stationB: theatreC: librayD:school ()2. The man wants to go to. A: XianB: ShanghaiC: WuxiD: Nanjing ()3. Perhaps the girl works in the.A: planeB: trainC: busD: minibus B.阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示My name is Tom. Im a student. My school is not very big , but very beautiful. Look, this is my classroom. Its very bright. There is a computer on the teachers desk. There are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24 boys . My school has two libraries. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. Theres a big playground in the school . I like to play football there . I like my school very much. 1. Toms school is very big and beautiful.()2. Toms classroom is very bright.()3. Theres a computer in the classroom.()4.There are twenty-four girls in Toms class.() 5. The big library is for the teachers.() 6. Tom can play football.()7. Tom likes his school.()
