
1,高一英语必修一知识点 高一英语必修一知识点总结Unit 11. 词组:add upadd up to add… to… add to calm… downhave got tobe concerned about / withwalk the dog cheat … ofgo through go aheadgo byset downset upset offset outa series ofon purpose by accident/ chance in order to so as to in order thatso as thatat dusk at dawnat midnightat noonface to faceno longer not … any longersettle downsuffer fromrecover fromget/ be tired ofmake a list of list pack… upget along/ on with fall in lovebe grateful to sb. for sth. join in take part in join attend makesb/ sth+ 宾语补足语 have something/ anything/ everything /nothingto do withits because…..+原因 its why….+ 结果 dare+(to)do(实义动词) do(情态动词) a year and a half its no pleasure+ doing sth happen to do sthhave trouble with sb(in)doing sthexactlyfind it + adj. + to do sthmake friends withswap … with it is / was + 序数词 + that+ has done / had done…. unit 2词组:because ofcome up come up with come income oncome outactuallyin factas a matter of factin reality be based onat presentmake use ofmake full/ good use of such asplay a part/ role inrecognize … asmore than one + 谓语用单数 at the end of in the end at an endvoyage tourtraveljourneythan ever beforeeven if / though communicate withthose+ 定语从句 用who1600s 1980s in + 物主代词+ 数字的复数in his forties the former the lattera number of the number ofmake senseusage VS usebelieve it or notthere is no such + 名词 (不加冠词) the way + in which / that /省略especiallyspecially straightadj/ advunit 3词组:prefer to do, rather than dowould rather do , than dowould do , rather than dofare VS fee ever sinceitsis / has been + 时间段 +since从句 graduate from/ inbe fond ofcut acrosscutup cut down care aboutcare fordetermine to do sth= be determined to do sthchange ones mind make up ones mindat an altitude ofgive ingive upgive offgiveoutgive away keep pace withas usualbend overtake the advantage ofpersuade sb to do sth / into doing sth not to do sth/ out of doing sth advise sb to do sth try to persuade sbto do sthalthoughthoughgrow upinsist onput upput downput offput onput awaycan hardly wait to do sthunit 4词组:right awayat onceimmediatelyburst into laughter/ tearsburst out doing sth as if / though in ruinsinjurewoundhurtdestroy damage be trapped indig outbury oneself in doing sthriseraisearisetoo… to be awayit seems as if + 陈述语气/ 虚拟语气 act outbe pleased / willing/ glad to do sth honorin honor ofbe proud ofexpress my thanks to unit 5词组: ofhigh/ goodquality devote to+ doingfound VS set upin principlein peaceout of workin workout of controlin controlvote forvote against be equal toin troubleturn toturn on / offturn up / downlose heartlose ones heartescape from/+ doing sth come to power /in powerbe sentenced toin ones opinionfight for / againstblow updream of/ aboutimagine doing sththe first time for the first time【高一英语必修一知识点总结,高一英语必修一知识点】


2,苏教版高一英语必修一语法知识点总结一. 直接引语和间接引语 (一)直接引述别人的原话,叫做直接引语;用自己话转述别人的话,叫做间接引语 。间接引语一般构成宾语从句 。直接引语必须放在引号内,间接引语则不用引号 。直接引语改为间接引语时,除将引语部分变成宾语从句外,还必须对直接引语中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等进行改变 。1. 时态的变化:直接引语变为间接引语时,通常受转述动词said, asked等的影响而使用过去化的时态,即把原来的时态向过去推,也就是一般现在时变为一般过去时,现在进行时变为过去进行时,等等 。例如: Tom said to me,“My brother is doing his homework.” →Tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework. 2. 人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等等的变化: 根据意义进行相应的变化,例如: She asked Jack,“Where have you been?” →She asked Jack where he had been. He said,“These books are mine.” →He said that those books were his. (二)直接引语改为间接引语时,都使用陈述语序,但是因为原句的句式不同,所以变成间接引语时所用的连词会有所不同 。直接引语如果是一般疑问句,用连接词whether或if;如果是特殊疑问句,则用疑问词引导间接引语 。转述的动词一般用asked,可以在其后加上一个间接宾语me, him, her, us等 。如: She said,“Is your father at home?” →She asked me if/whether my father was at home. “What do you do every Sunday?”My friend asked me. →My friend asked me what I did every Sunday. 直接引语如果是祈使句,改为间接引语时,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据原句的语气(即请求或命令)加上ask, tell, order等动词,如果祈使句为否定式,则在不定式前加not 。其句型为:ask / tell / order someone (not) to do something. 例如: She said to us,“Please sit down.” →She asked us to sit down. He said to him,“Go away!” →He ordered him to go away. He said, “Dont make so much noise, boys.” →He told the boys not to make so much noise. 二. 各种时态的被动语态 被动语态概述 被动语态的概念:它是动词的一种形式,表示主语与谓语之间的执行或被执行关系 。主动语态表示主语是谓语动作的执行者,例如:They saw the little boy crying by the river. 被动语态表示主语是谓语动作的承受者,例如:The little boy was seen crying by the river. 被动语态的构成 被动语态的形式是由“助动词be+动词的过去分词”构成 。助动词be随着主语的人称、数、时态等的不同而变化 。几种常见时态的被动语态形式如下: 1. 一般现在时 am/is/are + 过去分词 例如:Rice is planted in the south of China. 2. 一般过去时 was/were + 过去分词 例如:These trees were planted the year before last. 3. 一般将来时 will/shall + be + 过去分词 例如:A sports meeting will be held next week in our school. 4. 现在进行时 am/is/are + being + 过去分词 例如:Your radio is being repaired now. 5. 过去进行时 was/were + being + 过去分词 When he got there, the problem was being discussed. 6. 现在完成时 have/has + been + 过去分词 His work has been finished. Has his work been finished? Yes, it has. / No, it hasnt. 7. 过去完成时 had + been + 过去分词 注意: 1.除了be之外的其它系动词如get, stay等也可以和过去分词构成被动语态 。例如:Their questions havent got answered. 2. 含有情态动词的谓语变成被动语态使用“情态动词+ be + 过去分词”结构 。例如: More attention should be paid to the old in this country. This work cant be done until Mr. Black comes. 3. 含有“be going to”, “be to”等结构的谓语,其被动语态分别用“be going to + be + 过去分词”和“be to + be + 过去分词” 。例如: The problem is going to be discussed at the next meeting. All these books are to be taken to the library. 4. 被动语态与系表结构的区别:“连系动词+用作表语的过去分词”构成的系表结构,与被动语态的形式完全一样,所以应注意它们的区别 。被动语态中的过去分词是动词,多强调动作;系表结构中的过去分词相当于形容词,多强调状态 。前者通常可用by 引出动作的执行者,而后者则不可以 。例如: The map was changed by someone.(被动结构) That custom remained unchanged for many centuries.(系表结构) 系表结构中的过去分词通常可被very修饰,被动语态中的过去分词往往要用much修饰 。例如: He was very excited.(系表结构) He was much excited by her words.(被动结构) 5. 主动形式表被动意义 。有些动词的主动形式有被动意味,如 open, read, sell, shut, wash, wear, write等 。此时句子的主语一般是物 。例如: These books sell well. 这些书很畅销 。The door wont shut. 这门关不上 。The clothes wash well. 这些衣服很好洗 。Unit 11. 词组:add upadd up toadd… to…add tocalm… downhave got tobe concerned about / withwalk the dogcheat … ofgo throughgo aheadgo byset downset upset offset outa series ofon purposeby accident/ chancein order toso as toin order thatso as thatat duskat dawnat midnightat noonface to faceno longernot … any longersettle downsuffer fromrecover fromget/ be tired ofmake a list oflistpack… upget along/ on withfall in lovebe grateful to sb. for sth.join intake part injoinattendmakesb/ sth+ 宾语补足语have something/ anything/ everything /nothingto do withits because…..+原因its why….+ 结果dare+(to)do(实义动词)do(情态动词)a year and a halfits no pleasure+ doing sthhappen to do sthhave trouble with sb(in)doing sthexactlyfind it + adj. + to do sthmake friends withswap … withit is / was + 序数词 + that+ has done / had done….unit 2词组:because ofcome upcome up withcome income oncome outactuallyin factas a matter of factin realitybe based onat presentmake use ofmake full/ good use ofsuch asplay a part/ role inrecognize … asmore than one + 谓语用单数at the end ofin the endat an endvoyagetourtraveljourneythan ever beforeeven if / thoughcommunicate withthose+ 定语从句 用who1600s1980sin + 物主代词+ 数字的复数in his fortiesthe formerthe lattera number ofthe number ofmake senseusage VS usebelieve it or notthere is no such + 名词 (不加冠词)the way + in which / that /省略especiallyspeciallystraightadj/ advunit 3词组:prefer to do, rather than dowould rather do , than dowould do , rather than dofare VS feeever sinceitsis / has been + 时间段 +since从句graduate from/ inbe fond ofcut acrosscutupcut downcare aboutcare fordetermine to do sth= be determined to do sthchange ones mindmake up ones mindat an altitude ofgive ingive upgive offgiveoutgive awaykeep pace withas usualbend overtake the advantage ofpersuade sb to do sth / into doing sthnot to do sth/ out of doing sthadvise sb to do sthtry to persuade sbto do sthalthoughthoughgrow upinsist onput upput downput offput onput awaycan hardly wait to do sthbend overtake the advantage ofpersuade sb to do sth / into doing sthnot to do sth/ out of doing sthadvise sb to do sthtry to persuade sbto do sthalthoughthoughgrow upinsist onput upput downput offput onput awaycan hardly wait to do sthunit 4词组:right awayat onceimmediatelyburst into laughter/ tearsburst out doing sthas if / thoughin ruinsinjurewoundhurtdestroydamagebe trapped indig outbury oneself in doing sthriseraisearisetoo… tobe awayit seems as if + 陈述语气/ 虚拟语气act outbe pleased / willing/ glad to do sthhonorin honor ofbe proud ofexpress my thanks to unit 5词组: ofhigh/ goodqualitydevote to+ doingfound VS set upin principlein peaceout of workin workout of controlin controlvote forvote againstbe equal toin troubleturn toturn on / offturn up / downlose heartlose ones heartescape from/+ doing sthcome to power /in powerbe sentenced toin ones opinionfight for / againstblow updream of/ aboutimagine doing sththe first timefor the first time 语法点1.whether VS if的用法2.tell sb to do sthask sb not to do sth 3.be + doing表将来4.定语从句: 只用that 的情况只用who 的情况只用which的情况as VS whichthe same … as / that…such… asas … as介词+ which/ whomwhich 引导一个句子的用法非限制性定语从句which 引导一个句子的用法非限制性定语从句插入语I thinkI believeI guessI thought间隔式定语从句Is this car the one he bought last year?Is this the car he bought last year?What 的用法5.will be done be about to be done be to be done be going to be done 6.has/ have been done 7.be being done加always 表示一种厌烦等语气8.强调句it is + 被强调部分+ that 从句It is not until+ 时间 + that 从句特殊疑问词 + is itthat从句 9.倒装句部分否定,含有否定词的 hardlyneverlittleonlyseldom等, 把情态动词,be 动词, 助动词提到主语 的前面10.as if , insistsuggestrequestcommand,从句用虚拟语气, 用(should) do。
