
1,英语九年级Unit14作业本1第四课时 has been weared


2,2016九年级英语全品作业本答案人教版I have a party on my eleven birthday, many friends give me the present. There is a doll, a pen, a music box, a notebook, a book and a flower. My faverite present is the flower. The flower is very beautiful. Its colour is red. I like to smell it. I put it in a bottle of water. My mother says it is a rose. I can plant it in the pot. I water the flower everyday. I wish it can be beautiful forever.在我11岁生日派对的时候,很多朋友给我送了礼物 。礼物有一个洋娃娃,一支钢笔,一个音乐盒,一本笔记本,一本书,还有一朵花 。我最喜欢的礼物是花 。这朵花非常漂亮 。它的颜色是红色的,我喜欢闻它 。我把它放到一瓶水里 。我妈妈说这是一朵玫瑰 。我可以把它种在花盆里 。我每天都给它浇水,我希望天能永远美下去 。【九年级英语作业本答案,英语九年级Unit14作业本1第四课时】

3,初三英语作业本19页答案2012-12-07 13:40 来源:互联网作者:佚名[标签:英语练习题中考英语试题]九年级(初三)上册英语作业本答案浙教版:面对着中考,同学们都在紧张的备战中考中,英语的学习也刻不容缓,所以小编整理了九年级(初三)上册英语作业本答案浙教版,以供同学们在练习之后参考,希望同学们的英语学习成绩越来越好,祝同学们考试成绩越来越棒!Unit 1 How do you study for a test?1&一.1.taking 2.by 3.vocabulary 4.flashcards 5.asking 6.list 7.with二.1.How by asking2.by listening to tapes3.How learn collecting stamps4.will by having2&一.1.running 2.get good grades 3.interviewed 4.How 5.What about 6.How often二.236154三.A need how for By listen way practicingB reading too What improve Have watched

4,初三英语练习选make sb do sth这一句型stess是do的形式所以选A,而stressed是done的形式(分词形式) 。用“不带to的动词不定式”5,九年级英语金指课堂的答案英语课堂作业本九年级答案 【篇一:九年级英语课堂作业unit1_5】txt>section a第一次作业<section a>根据句意及提示写单词 。and i couldnt understand every word.a second language.in grammar.an english-language club.every morning..the words of pop songs.lists.to tapes?is a wonderful way to learn a language.about something and then ended up speaking in japanese.13. antonio and pierre havea lot that way. (学会)14. rose can watch the actors the words. (说)15. they cant always understand when people talk to 他们)16. my sister shoulda pen pal. (找到)17. he was using the grammar to write his own sentences. (新颖的)第二次作业<section a>用所给词的正确形式填空或者选择所提供的词汇填空 。1. have you ever (study) with a group?2. do you learn by(read) aloud?3. the result is 4. the news is 5. at first, he said he knew nothing about it, but ended up (tell) the truth.6. in china most people speak english as a(two) language.7. i have never (work) with a group.8. do you learn japanese by (watch) japanese-language videos?9. your(pronounce) is quite good.10. (join) the english club at school was the best way to learn english.11. he speaks too(quick) for me to understand. 12. she is singing an english song in a voice. (loudly)13. they often practice (memorize) grammar rules.14. his mothers words (frustrate) him when he came home.15. what about(buy) a motorola star tac 75?16. would you like(use) my tape recorder?17. instead oftokyo, we went to washington d.c. (leaving for/leave/goes)18. mike forgotbobs letter for him, so he went to the post office again. (to post/posting/posted)19. hong hong hopes to be thinner, so she stopsmeat or rice. (to eat/eating/eats)20. if you finish the original sentences, please show them to me. (wrote/writing/written)第三次作业<section a>一、词组翻译 。1.向某人寻求帮助2.制作生词卡片3.为考试而学习4.列词汇清单5.看英语原声录像6.和朋友操练会话7.朗读8.口语技能二、句子改写 。提问)does tomp.e.?2. mr smith finished his talk in a friendly way. (同义句)mr smith his talk in a friendly way.3. the child is so young that he cant dress himself.(同义句)the child is younghimself.4. she added, “having conversations with friends is not helpful.” (改间接引语)she addedhaving conversations with friends not helpful.5. can i ask you questions? (some/any/few/a little)6. because of the of their purposes, the students study english in ways. (different/differently/difference)7. of the twins has been to america. (both/nobody/neither/none)8. he english for three years. (have learnt/ has been learning/ learns/ learning)9.练习发音 10.学英语最好的方法 11.发现看电影令人失望 12.结束做某事 13.做调查 14.加入英语俱乐部 15.造完整的句子 【篇二:九年级英语课堂作业本答案(浙教)第二单元】ed to be afraid of the dark .!二. used towhichbechangeddifferent short2二. 1.used to friendly to2.used to be serious3.used to be quiet 4.used to be a shy5. used to be interested3一.1. be interested in2.used to do sth3.be terrified of4.go to sleep5.be afraid to 6. be afraid of 7.wear glasses8.wait a minute二.bcead三.1.what did tommy use to do after school?2.did your father use to like reading comics at your age.3.did his brother use to stay at home?4.they hardly ever studied for the last math test.5.i didnt use visit my aunt in the summer vacation.6.celia used to practice painting when she was in high school.4一. dcfbae二. 4715326 三.1.did use tolong2.used to belibrary3.to be afraid dark didnt4.did usebe interested5一.1.chat with2.no long3.all day4.spend time doing sth5.take to6.hardly ever二.1.spentstudying2.chatting with3.all day4.hardly ever 5.no long 6.take to三. shyusedviolinlessons to haveinterestedwhenfishingcolorfulshow whatto be 【篇三:2014新外研版九年级上册英语练习题及答案全套】一、词汇a.根据句意及提示写出形式正确的单词 。1.what ________ you ________(do)at seven yesterday evening?2.the grand canyon is one of the ________(wonder)of the natural world. 3.i ________(be)to xinjiang twice. its really a beautiful place.4.when i ________(arrive), it was raining.5.some of the pyramids are over 200 feet in ________.(high).6.the rain stopped and the sun ________.(rise).bthe best way of learning a language is it. the best way of learning english isin english as much as possible. sometimes youll get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. sometimes people will say things and you cant understand them. but if youyour sense of humor, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. dont be if people to be laughing at your mistakes. its better for people at your mistakes than to angry with you, because they dont understand what you . the most important thing for learning english is: “dont be afraid of making mistakes because everyonemistakes.”二、单项选择1.— when ________ you ________ the computer?— three years ago.a.have; boughtb.had; boughtc.do; buyd.did; buy2.—hi, kate. you look tired. whats the matter?—i ________ well last night.a.didnt sleep b.dont sleep c.havent slept d.wont sleep3.— did anyone ________ the football match yesterday evening?— yes, we won.a.watch b.watched c.watches d.watching4.do you know where our headmaster ________?a.living b.live c.lives d.to live5.its 4 oclock. they ________ their compositions.a.write b.writes c.wrote d.are writing6.—my mother ________ to do some shopping after work.—so am i.a.will go b.goes c.went d.is going7.the little girl ________ in the kindergarten when her mother came in.a.cry b.cries c.was crying d.is crying8.there will be a parents meeting tomorrow. but my parents cant come because they ________to shandong.a.has gone b.have gone c.has been d.have been9.—hasnt betty come yet?—no, i ________ for her for nearly 2 hours.a.waitb.waitedc.have waitedd.had waited10.the story ________ in london many years ago.a.was happeningb.will happenc.happenedd.happens11.peter was playing the piano while alice ________.a.was singing b.sang c.would sing d.singing12.she told me that she ________ my aunt the next week.a.will visitb.would visitc.is going to visitd.visited13.—whos taken away my english textbook?—________.a.i have b.he had c.she did d.he took it14.—mary, could you help me?—wait a moment. i ________.a.read a bookb.did my homeworkc.was watching tvd.am cooking dinner15.—do you know huang ting well?—yes. she and i ________ friends since we met in wuhan last summer.a.made b.were c.have been d.become三、阅读理解ahere are six business card6,九年级下册英语家庭作业人教版答案 1.D 。细节题 。题干:Tai Mahan可能是一个__________ 。利用题干关键词可以定位到第一段“Or maybe they go sightseeing to places such as Disneyland,the Tai Mahan or the Louver”,其中go sightseeing是“观光”的意思,后面是举例,由此可知Tai Mahan和Disneyland一样是一个可参观游玩的地方,故答案为D 。2.A 。细节题 。题干:从文章可知,在一次冒险旅行中,人们__________ 。利用题干关键词可以定位到第二段“Some people are bored with sightseeing trips.They dont want to be“tourists”.They want to have an adventure.” 。可知喜欢冒险的游客不喜欢观光;另外,根据第二段内容B、C、D可被排除,故答案为A 。3.D 。词汇题 。题干:第四段中的“intelligent”意思是__________ 。第四段作者发号施令,让海豚去执行,海豚不但能听懂,还会按照命令去执行,可见作者口中的海豚是很聪明的(intelligent),故答案为D 。4.D 。细节题 。题干:如果你想了解过去的人,你可以__________。利用题干关键词可以定位到倒数第二段,前两句说假如你对历史感兴趣,你可以去希腊 。可知答案为D 。5.D 。细节题:下面哪一项是错误的?该题可以改为定位选项 。由第五段第二句和第三句可知文章并没说Karate和Mount Saint Helens火山什么时候爆发的,故答案为D 。寒假作业自己家庭作7,初三英语练习1enter根据状语just now用enter更好一些 。2to have(go on to do做完一件事后做另一件事,go on doing ,继续做同一件事)3was divided, given被动语态4successfully用副词修饰动词held5valueable应该填形容词形式——建议是有价值的 。6seems主语是the problem,谓语动词用单数7focus这句话是祈使句,因此用动词原形 。1enter2having3was devidedgiven4have successed5value6semms7 focus 1.I saw the boy __entered__(enter) the classroom just now.2.they went on _having___(have) a cup of black coffee after a big dinner,3,THe big birthday cake __was divided___(分为) into ten parts and _given____(give ) to ten persons yesterday.4,Jay Zhou _successfully___(success) held his first concert in Wuxi the year before last.5.I think the this piece of advice will be the most _valuable___(有价值).6.The problem __looks___(看起来) very difficult at first but it turns out to be easy at last.7.Please __concentrate___(集中)your minds on the following problem.1entering2having3was dividedgiven4successfully5valueable6seems7focus
