cooking battle,英语炒菜怎么说

1 , 英语炒菜怎么说 炒菜做饭都可用 cooking因为国外炒的菜不多

cooking battle,英语炒菜怎么说

2 , conkingcooking是什么应该是cooking吧 , cooking名词是烹饪术;烹调(法); 熬炼; 热炼,形容词是烹调用的
cooking battle,英语炒菜怎么说

3 , 用英语说但是要说到厨艺 但是要说到厨艺But when it comes to cooking.但是要说到厨艺But when it comes to cooking.你好 , 可说为:excellent cooking , 满意的话采纳哦【cooking battle,英语炒菜怎么说】
cooking battle,英语炒菜怎么说

4 , 好厨艺如何用英文说 wonderful cooking skill.quality cooking artGOOD COOK!oh,you are a chef!cooking! 一个词就好了. ^^5 , colk是什么意思 colk 英[k?lk]美[k?lk]n. 锅穴 , 瓯穴;cook 英[k?k]美[k?k]vt. 烹调; 编造; 篡改; 密谋;vt. 煮; 烹调;vi. 烹调; 做菜;[例句]He learned to cook by trial and error.他不断尝试学烹调 。[其他] 第三人称单数:cooks 现在分词:cooking 过去式:cooked 过去分词:cookedcolk是什么意思6 , 我学会了做饭用英语怎么说 I have already learnt how to cook and my food tastes great!I also earn happiness from cooking.The food which made by myself is best这句话是个歧义句吧、、第一种理解 , 作为原因状语 , because i have learnt how to cook,.....第二种理解 , 是因为我的原因 , 某人学会了做饭sb. has learnt how to cook because of me. 不知道你是哪种解释 。I have just learned how to cook7 , 烧菜用英语怎么说 cookingRoast vegetablescook foodcook/cooking.说cooking就可以了 , 用最简单的就好了:)糖:[táng][国标码:ccc7部首:米笔画:16笔顺:4312344135112251]1.sugar2.sweets3.candy其它相关解释:<milkpunch><saccharide><saccharum>例句与用法:1.她把糖放进咖啡里 , 用勺子把它们混合起来 。sheputthesugarintothecoffeeandmixedthemupwithaspoon.2.这孩子拿到了一块糖 。thebabywasgivenapieceofcandy.3.他往咖啡里加了些糖 。heputsomesugarintohiscoffee.4.糖经过发酵变成酒精 。sugarisconvertedintoalcoholthroughtheprocessoffermentation.5.你的茶里要加牛奶和糖吗?doyoutakemilkandsugarinyourtea?6.我给他买了一袋糖果 。iboughthimapacketofsugar.7.她把糖搅和到咖啡里 。shestirredthesugarintohercoffee.8.请给我找一个放糖的容器 。pleasefindmeareceptacleforsugar.
