
1,以健康为题的英语作文演讲稿3分钟 hello,everyone!now i want to share with you some advice on how to keep healthy.firstly ,we must eat more fruits and vegetables and have less junk food.secondly ,we have to take more exercise to get stronger.thirdly,we should have enough sleep ,keep away from smoking and drinking wines ,and keep happy everyday.if we can follow these advise ,i am sure we can keep a healthy body and have a happy life.thank you !


2,三分钟的英语演讲大概多少字 您好!我是王坤,演讲教练,六段演讲创始人 。王坤关于您的提问,个人建议,仅供参考 。三分钟的英语演讲稿大约需要300-540词 。具体多少词,需要您先测试一下自己的平均演讲语速,测试方法如下:选择一段自己或他人的演讲稿,以您的正常语速来演讲,计时一分钟,至少测试三次,取平均值,即为您的平均演讲语速 。最后,祝您演讲顺利!扩展资料六段演讲认为:现代英文演讲者,平均语速在100-180词/分钟为宜 。王坤教你学演讲我的学校是中外合作办学考试口语两分钟提前准备好的话题演讲得200-230字如果是准备的幻灯片的presentation要求4-5分钟 你大概需要430-450字你要的3-4分钟据我推测应该要300-350字如果是给几个话题 提前准备的可以提前脱稿用秒表算算时间还有可能如果你紧张的话 忘词会造成误差 还有紧张的气氛下不知道你是越说越快还是越说越慢演讲时要注意眼神交流还有适当的手势

3,围绕 holiday写一篇三分钟的英语短篇演讲稿要言简意赅的那种有My holidaySummer holiday has already come. How happy am I!The favorite thing I wanna do is traveling. I joined an outdoor club and went to the seaside in Zhejiang province with other members. On July 20, we started our journey at 21:00 in the evening. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep in the bus. Suddenly someone was pushing me. I opened my eyes and a beautiful sea was right there. What a beautiful place! We swam in the sea and played beach volleyball. The wind, the sunshine, the blue sky and the happy boys and girls formed a wonderful picture! At noon, we cooked seafood like crabs, shrimps, seashells and so on. They are all so delicious. My mouth is now watering again. I will never forget such interesting expirence.School is my second home in my life, it provides an opportunity and a nice environment for me to study. I have a lot of friend and school is a wonderful place to hang out with them.In the school building, there are a lot of classroom, teacher offices, computer labs, toilets, science labs, a cafeteria, and a library.I really like my school!再看看别人怎么说的 。School is my second home in my life, it provides an opportunity and a nice environment for me to study. I have a lot of friend and school is a wonderful place to hang out with them.In the school building, there are a lot of classroom, teacher offices, computer labs, toilets, science labs, a cafeteria, and a library.I really like my school!【3分钟英语演讲稿,以健康为题的英语作文演讲稿3分钟】

4,英语3分钟演讲关于友谊的 Friendship is one of the most important things to me.In my opinion, friendship is something give me strength when I am sich, give me sunshine when I am in the shadow.I have a friend who grew up together with me, he is my closest friend ,We meet every week although we no longer live in the neighborhood , there is no secret between us. Once I was very depressd because I lost in the final exam , he was the one who encourge me , and helped me with my math, I made great progress in that summer vocation. I have many friends , they are all important in my life.We share the load, the happiness,the pain, and all the mood in my entire life.Thanks for my friends,you make my life colour. 这个就是关于友谊 英语的世上有比友情更令人感觉温馨的吗?好酒难得,好友更难得 。朋友就是朋友,绝没有任何事能代替,绝没有任何东西能形容--就是世界上所有的玫瑰,也不能比拟友情的芬芳与美丽 。朋友,还是这个世界上最令人愉快的东西 。友谊,更是这个世界上最不能缺少的东西 。对一个情绪低落的人来说,朋友的一句鼓励,甚至比世上所有的良药都有用 。朋友之间良好的关系既是友谊,其中包括了解、欣赏、信任、容忍、牺牲……诸多美德 。友谊是雨中的伞,是黑夜里的灯火,是扬帆航船途中的风,是崎岖山路上的扶手,友谊是一间不上锁的房间,你随时可以敲门进入;友谊也是一把钥匙,能帮你打开心灵之门 。然而友谊并非唾手可得,就是把友谊的标准降低一些,真正能称得起朋友的还是很难得 。试想一想,如有银钱经手的事,你信得过的朋友能有几人?在你蹭蹬失意或疾病患难之中还肯登门拜访乃至雪中送炭的朋友又有几人?你出门在外之际对于你的家人肯加照顾者又有多少?再退一步,平素投桃报李,莫逆于心,能维持长久于不坠者,又有几人?世界上是有朋友的,不过虽然无需打着灯笼去找,却是像沙里淘金而且还需要长时间地洗炼 。一旦真铸成了友谊,便会金石同坚,永不退转 。患难见真情 。不错,在困境中,在受难时,来自朋友的帮助便显得特别可贵 。有时,哪怕是一具关切善意的眼神,也会像一簇炭火,在冰天雪地中送给你温暖 。当你被成功和得意冲昏头脑时,友谊会像一盆凉水,兜头泼来,把你浇醒 。是的,友谊是锦上添花,更是雪中送炭,友谊是阳关大道上的携手远足,更是崎岖攀登路上的相互搀扶 。友谊是一棵树,要用真诚和挚爱去浇灌,用信任和宽容去栽培 。嫉妒和猜疑是毒药,会使友谊之树根枯叶焦,失去生命的绿色 。友谊是推心置腹的交谈,是默默无声的关怀 。友谊是不求回报的付出,是无拘无束的平等交流 。友谊是理解,是尊重,是从一颗开放的心走进另一颗开放的心 。友谊是驱逐孤独和绝望的动力 。友谊之乐是积极的 。一个人,纵然功名显赫,万贯缠腰,倘若没有一个可以敞开胸禁以心换心的真朋友,终究可悲可怜 。没有友谊的人生,是残缺不全的人生,不值得羡慕 。没有友谊,没有朋友的人生,是惨淡的人生,也是失败的人生
