1,英特网与现在社会英语作文 The Internet transforms modern life (互联网改变现代生活)most people had to call the bank to check their balances,or wait for a paper statement to arrive in the mail. Weather forecasts came over the phone from the weather bureau, or on TV. And now if you had a computer, you discovered a new way to this cool, new thing called the World Wide Web. Fewer than one in seven Americans were online in 1995. Today, the majority of Americans are surfing the web, The internet has transformed the way people live, work and play. People can arrange for their bills to be paid automatically while they are gone. They can put a hold on mail delivery, find directions to tourist attractions and get a long-term weather forecast before they pack.
2,500字的5g发展英语作业文When the night falls down I used to look up to the winking stars and wondering about my futuer.Actully I do not have a certain plan for it ,but I do believe that my future will be a
3,百度知道信息提示亲,你好,5g的英语是:5th generation mobile networks或5th generation wireless systems、5th-Generation 。第五代移动通信技术(5th Generation Mobile Communication Technology,简称5G)是具有高速率、低时延和大连接特点的新一代宽带移动通信技术,是实现人机物互联的网络基础设施 。国际电信联盟(ITU)定义了5G的三大类应用场景,即增强移动宽带(eMBB)、超高可靠低时延通信(uRLLC)和海量机器类通信(mMTC) 。增强移动宽带(eMBB)主要面向移动互联网流量爆炸式增长,为移动互联网用户提供更加极致的应用体验;超高可靠低时延通信(uRLLC)主要面向工业控制、远程医疗、自动驾驶等对时延和可靠性具有极高要求的垂直行业应用需求;海量机器类通信(mMTC)主要面向智慧城市、智能家居、环境监测等以传感和数据采集为目标的应用需求 。为满足5G多样化的应用场景需求,5G的关键性能指标更加多元化 。ITU定义了5G八大关键性能指标,其中高速率、低时延、大连接成为5G最突出的特征,用户体验速率达1Gbps,时延低至1ms,用户连接能力达100万连接/平方公里 。【5g英语作文,英特网与现在社会英语作文】
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