

  • 1,suppose的用法和例句
  • 2,suppose的用法下列几个句子suppose后是否需加that什么时候要加
  • 3,suppose的用法
  • 4,suppose 的用法问题 这个句子有错误吗
  • 5,区分suppose 与think以及各自的用法
  • 6,suppose后面能否跟动词如果能跟动词是跟to do还是doing
  • 7,What do you suppose的用法

3,suppose的用法suppose表示假设,例句:suppose I tell you I have a feeling that I shall live not very long.(出自电影《茶花女》),suppose表示假设,如果的意思【suppose的用法,suppose的用法和例句】
4,suppose 的用法问题 这个句子有错误吗suppose加that, 后面再加完整句子,这个才是正确的语法 。I suppose that his view is aiming at the particular situation in Europe.这里的suppose是猜想,假定的意思 。5,区分suppose 与think以及各自的用法这两个词:都是动词,都有“认为、想”之意;不同的是:think “认为、想”;suppose“认为、以为”、“设想、猜想” 。I think he is a hardworking man.我认为他是勤奋的人 。I suppose you are right. 我猜想你是对的 。相比较,think 的语气要比suppose更强,更肯定 。后者较弱且有“猜测、设想”含义在内 。6,suppose后面能否跟动词如果能跟动词是跟to do还是doingbe supposed to do 是个句型 。但是suppose也用于虚拟语气,后边加should do,should一般省略,所以看起来就是加动词原形to do句型besupposedtodo是“应该”的意思例如说 你应该已经毕业了 you are supposed to have graduated fromschool .考试的时候 如果考supposed大多的时候都是这个句型 呵呵 掌握它很有用的 重点词汇啊~~~~好好学习吧~~~~~该词一般是虚拟语气用法 。动名词ING形式 。你好!besupposedtodo 是个句型 。但是suppose也用于虚拟语气,后边加should do,should一般省略,所以看起来就是加动词原形如果对你有帮助,望采纳 。7,What do you suppose的用法根据句意选择一、关于否定转移表示“想”、“认为”、“料想”等,后接否定的宾语从句时通常将否定转移到主句上 。如:I dont suppose he is really ill. 我看他不是真病了 。I dont suppose that he will come in time. 我看他不会及时来的 。注意以下简略答语的使用:A:Will he win? 他会赢吗?B:I suppose so. 我想他会赢吧 。B:I dont suppose so. [I suppose not. ] 我想他不会赢 。二、关于词序2. 注意以下正误句型的词序:你认为他会去了哪里呢?正:Where do you suppose he has gone?误:Do you suppose where he has gone?你认为是谁偷了这钱呢?正:Who do you suppose has stolen the money?误:Do you suppose who has stolen the money?三、用于be supposed to用于 be supposed to, 意为“应该”、“理应”,其后接动词原形(有时为进行式或完成式) 。如:You are supposed to be there before dark. 你应该在天黑前赶到那儿 。Hes supposed to be doing his homework at home now. 他现在应该在家里做作业 。He is supposed to have written us a letter. 他本来应该给我们写封信的 。注:用于否定句,有时表示委婉地禁止,意为“不应当”、“不可”、“不许” 。如:Youre not supposed to smoke in here. 此地不准吸烟(from 。另外请比较:他们本来应该在一小时以前赶到这儿的 。正:They were supposed to be here an hour ago. 正:They are supposed to have been here an hour ago. 四、用作连词用来表示条件(相当于连词 if),意为“假设”,也可用 -ing的形式,若语气不肯定,有时还可用虚拟语气 。试比较:假若他不来,那我们怎么办? (from正:Suppose [Supposing] he is absent, what shall we do? 正:Suppose [Supposing] he was absent, what should we do?五、表示建议用来表示建议,意为“……吧”、“……怎么样”,后接从句时可用现在时态或过去时态,相比之下用过去时语气更委婉 。如:Suppose we have [had] a rest. 我们休息一会儿吧 。Suppose we start [started] tomorrow. 我们明天动身吧 。i think you are right ,better ask ur teacher for explaination
