深夜朋友圈扎心文案 扎心文案

当你离开一个对你一文不值的人的时候,你不会有任何损失 。
You lose nothing when you walk away from someone who treats you like you are worth nothing.
【深夜朋友圈扎心文案 扎心文案】有时候,你必须忘记你的感受,记住你应得的 。
Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.

深夜朋友圈扎心文案 扎心文案

深夜朋友圈扎心文案 扎心文案

单身快乐总好过在一段受虐的关系中感到悲伤和害怕 。
Being single and happy is better than being sad and afraid in an abusive relationship.
有些人走进你的生活,只是为了教你如何放手 。
Some people come into your life just to teach you how to let go.
深夜朋友圈扎心文案 扎心文案

不要在一个不在乎你的人身上迷失自我 。
Dont lose yourself holding on to someone that doesn't care about you.
只要你勇敢地说出再见,生活一定会赐予你一个新的开始 。
If you are brave enough to say goodbye,life will reward you with a new hello.
深夜朋友圈扎心文案 扎心文案

没有什么是永恒不变的 。所以尽情享受,一笑置之,抓住机会,永不后悔 。
Nothing lasts forever.so live it up,laugh it off,take chances and never have regrets.
对的那个人会翻山越岭和你在一起 。他们不会躲在他们身后 。
The right one for you will move mountains to be with you.they won't hide behind them.
深夜朋友圈扎心文案 扎心文案

总有一天,你付出的爱会回到你身边,它最终会停留 。
One day,all the love you've given away will find its way back to you and it will finally stay.
向前看并不是不再爱一个人或者忘记他 。而是有勇气说:我还爱你,只是你不值得我如此痛苦 。
Moving on isn't about not loving someone anymore and forgetting them.it's about having the strength to say:i still love you,but you are not worth this pain.
