闺蜜语录简短暖心 闺蜜语录

闺蜜语录简短暖心 闺蜜语录

1、世界上的另一个我 。
Another me in the world.
2、今天女孩来赴约了 。
Today, the girl came to the appointment.
3、全世界最好的面 , 都比不上见你一面 。
The best face in the world is no better than seeing you.
4、就算内存不够 , 也不会动和我女孩的一张合照 。
Even if there is not enough memory, I won't delete a picture with my girl.
5、朋友温柔 , 人间浪漫 。
Friends are gentle. Romance in the world.
6、是冒着泡儿的双倍快乐 。
Double happiness in the bubble.
7、开心的日子要专心记起 。
Remember the happy days.
8、这个女孩在我心里是宇宙第一可爱 。
This girl is the most lovely girl in my heart.
9、攒了好久的期待如约而至 。
I've been waiting for it for a long time.
10、万事胜意的女孩们 。
Girls who win everything.
11、大家一起变好玩 。
Let's have fun together.
12、跟最可爱的人出去玩了 。
I went out with the most lovely people.
13、因为你而拥有了更可爱 , 更生机勃勃的世界 。
Because of you, I have a more lovely, more vibrant world.
14、每天分享生活的屁事女孩 。
Girl who shares the shit of life every day.
15、自己的宝贝 , 自己宠 。
My baby, my pet.
16、虚假自拍高端姐妹玩家上线 。
Fake self portrait high-end sister players online.
17、少女的眼里有数不尽的星星和藏不住的喜欢 。
There are countless stars and love in the eyes of a girl.
18、可以失恋十次 , 但不能失去你一次 。
Can be lovelorn ten times, but can't lose you once.
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【闺蜜语录简短暖心 闺蜜语录】(今完)
