午餐用英语怎么说读 午餐( 二 )

He asked me to dinner tonight.他邀请我今天晚上吃饭 。
The dinner we had was excellent.我们吃的晚餐很丰盛 。
I hope you will honour us with your presence at the dinner.我希望您能光临此次晚宴 。
I have breakfast at seven.我在7点吃早餐 。
We have lunch at noon.我们在中午吃午饭 。
He had a light meal at home.他在家吃了顿便餐 。
I have supper at six.我6点吃晚饭 。
They are having tea in the garden.他们正在园子里喝下午茶 。
1、attend a lunch出席午餐
2、bring a lunch to school带饭上学
3、carry one\’s lunch带着午餐
4、come for lunch来吃午饭
5、cook a lunch做午餐
午餐用英语怎么说 午餐英文如何说1、午餐的英语:lunch 。
2、词性:n. 午餐;vt. 吃午餐;供给午餐;vi. 吃午餐;供给午餐 。
【午餐用英语怎么说读 午餐】 3、短语:
(1)have lunch 吃午饭,吃午餐 。
(2)after lunch 午饭后 。
午餐用英语怎么说午餐是指大约在中午或者之后一段时间所用的一餐,那么你知道午餐用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习一下午餐的英语知识吧 。
午餐时间 lunchtime ; Munch Time ; lunch hour
用午餐 to have lunch ; pranzare ; to haudio-videoe lunch
学校午餐 school lunch ; school meal ; school feeding ; school food service
中式午餐 Chinese Lunch
正式午餐 luncheon
特色午餐 lunch special
简易午餐 buffet lunch
招待午餐 Lunch ; Dinner ; power lunching
1. We tend to meet up for lunch once a week.
我们往往每周共进一次午餐 。
2. Grace laid out the knives and forks at the lunch-table.
格雷丝把刀叉摆放在午餐桌上 。
3. At lunchtime, there\’s a choice between the buffet or the set menu.
午餐可以吃自助餐,也可以选套餐 。
4. The caterers were already laying out the tables for lunch.
负责餐饮的人已经在为午餐摆桌了 。
5. At lunchtime, MPs are spoilt for choice in 26 restaurants and bars.
到了午餐时间,议员们有26家之多的餐厅和酒吧可供选择 。
6. He dashed off to lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe.
他急匆匆前往硬石小馆去吃午餐 。
7. Overcooked greens are my most vivid recollection of school dinners.
在我对学校午餐的回忆中,印象最深刻的就是蔬菜总是炒过头 。
8. Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle.
只有非常有钱的人才能在米拉贝勒餐厅吃得起午餐 。
9. Prue invited the magazine\’s editor to lunch and made her pitch.
普吕邀请该杂志的编辑共进午餐,推销自己的点子 。
10. So the upshot is we\’re going for lunch on Friday.
结果是我们周五一起去吃午餐 。
11. If anyone wants me, I\’m at lunch with a client.
有人找我,就说我在跟客户吃午餐 。
12. It was always roast lamb and canned peas for Sunday lunch.
星期天午餐总是吃烤羔羊肉和豌豆罐头 。
13. We ate lunch together a few times.
我们一起吃过几次午餐 。
14. I am always free at lunchtime.
午餐时间我总是有空 。
15. Their lunch was only so-so.
他们的午餐只能算是凑合 。
Since Martha Payne\’s fight against a council ban on her publishing photographs of her school dinners became an internet sensation, she has been inundated with promises of book, TV and movie deals.
英国小女孩玛莎-佩恩把学校供应的午餐拍照并上传至其博客,遭到政府禁止,此事在网上引发热议 。目前,佩恩已经收到书籍、电视、电影等大量邀约 。
