星星永远发着光 我也会在你身旁
The stars are always shining and I will be by your side
【你永远发着光 星星永远发着光】When the sun rises, we should forget yesterday’s unhappiness
Whether in the morning or in the evening, there is always a star in this city that belongs to you. May we all be the brightest one
I don’t know what I will meet, I just know the sunshine is so good, don’t let me down today
如果你难过 就看看天空 它那么大 一定可以包容你的所有难过和委屈
If you’re sad, just look at the sky. It’s so big, it can accommodate all your sadness and grievances.
Don’t worry, because there will always be someone staying up all night to accompany you, pick you up in the rain, saying I love you, good is always on the bottom
Set off toward the moon, even if you can’t reach it, you can stand among the stars
对待自己温柔一点 。你只不过是宇宙的孩子,与植物、星辰没什么两样
Be gentle with yourself. You are just a child of the universe, no different from plants and stars
It's irrational to envy the sky of others, because you are a universe
Everyone’s cracks will eventually become the pattern of the story
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