我家二楼 。早起为一家人做早餐,这是我的习惯 。
突然听到熟悉的旋律,熟悉的歌曲,壮志凌云主题曲——Take My Breath Away,瞬间回想起听着这首歌过去的岁月 。那时候是单身,下班后在单身宿舍内,睡觉前,等等,总之,一个人独处的时候,都是它陪我度过 。
边回想边切着胡萝卜丝,这时,歌声又来了 。我忍不住好奇,朝楼下看一看,看见一个穿着白色体恤,驼着背,拄着拐杖的老人,腰里挂着像是收音机的东西,有七八十岁月的样子,走的很慢,但很稳 。
我的心顿时很激动,望着对面的楼房,若有所思 。过了几分钟,歌声又来到了楼下,还是那首壮志凌云,还是那个老人!
watching every motion in my foolish lover's game,
on this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame
turning and returning to some secret place inside
watching in slow motion as you turn around and say:
take my breath away,take my breath away
watching i keep waiting still anticipating love
never hesitating to became the fated ones
turning and returning to some secret place to hide
watching in slow motion as you turn to me and say:
my love, take my breath away.
through the hourglass i saw you in time you slipped away,
when the mirror crashed i called you and turned to hear you say:
if only for today i am unafraid
take my breath away,take my breath away
watching every motion in this foolish lover's game
haunted by the notion somewhere there's a love in flames
turning and returning to some secrt place inside
watching in slow motion as you turn my way and say:
take my breath away, my love.
take my breath away, my love.
take my breath away, my love.
take my breath away...yeah, my love.
【带走我的呼吸 带走我的呼吸歌词】(图片来自网络,若侵立删)
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