Scanning can not with certainty be made from day 24 after mating. If the scan is done too early, the results is uncertain since the embryos are difficult to see on the scanner screen. If the sow scanned empty she is immediately moved to the mating unit.
如果对扫描结果有疑问,可以在母猪身上做明显的标记,记录下母猪的圈舍和号码 。下一次扫描时应该能得到一个准确的结果 。
If you have doubt about the outcome the sow is clearly marked and number and section is noted. At the next scan there should be achieved a safe outcome.
如果对母猪进行第二次扫描时,发现是空怀或仍不确定的,则将其转移到配种舍 。
If the sow empty at the second scan, or you are unsure, the sow is moved to the mating unit.
对所有不能确定是否怀孕的母猪,要在一个星期内再次扫描 。空怀母猪要立即转移到配种舍,这会让母猪的发情更加显著 。
All sows where there is doubt about pregnancy, is scanned again within a week. Empty sows are immediately moved to the mating unit, which often triggers a more pronounced heat.
参见18 –扫描技术
See 18 – Scanning technique
扫描母猪的同时要评估其体况,如果需要,要及时调整饲喂曲线 。
While scanning the sows are assessed on body condition and the feed curve is adjusted if necessary.
接种疫苗(妊娠第90天)时,可以评估母猪是否怀孕 。如果有疑问,立即进行扫描 。
By vaccination (day 90), it is estimated if the sows are pregnant. By doubt they are scanned.
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