
Gratitude is the traditional virtue of our Chinese is democracy, as long as we learn to Thanksgiving, our life will become more beautiful!
Flowers gratitude the rain, because rain moisten it grow; Goshawk Thanksgiving sky because the sky to make it fly; We should thank our parents, is they work with us. We all live in the world of love, if not love, there is no us! Dont you need to love? We help our parents do some housework, do some let parents feel good warmth. Say love is the instinct of a man, we love to into our life, is the true pure love gave me endless power! In our life, dont the angel of love?
【感谢父母初三英语作文】 Sing well! As long as everyone sacrificed a little love, the world will become a better human. There are living lei feng in our life: Yang Youming and how did he do it? Not just because of love touched his idea, if we all can do like this, we will become a spirit of love! Dont you do?
Lets do a love angel!
鲜花感恩雨露,因为雨露滋润它成长;苍鹰感恩长空,因为长空使它飞翔;我们要感恩我们的父母,是他们培育着我们 。 我们都生活在爱的世界里,如果不是爱,那就没有我们啊!难道你不需要爱吗?我们帮父母多做些家务事,多做些让父母感到温馨的好事 。 可以说“爱”是我们人的本能,爱以融入我们的生命中,是真纯的爱给了我无穷的力量!在我们的生活中,难道就没有爱的使者吗?
唱得好!“只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的`人间 。 ”还有我们生活中的活雷锋:“杨友明”他又是怎么做到的?还不是因为爱感动了他的激烈的想法,要是我们人人都能够这样子做,我们就会变成爱的精灵!难道你做不到吗?
