bot状态是什么意思 bot是什么意思( 二 )

在网络上面,不管是二次元的动漫人物还是现实存在的明星,都可以拥有bot 。二次元的bot账号主要是以人物本体的语气来发表一些言论,分享一些有趣的事情,增加这个虚拟人物的真实性 。
而明星bot账号则主要是分享一些和明星相关的内容,以第三人称的视觉来看待明星和粉丝之间发生的各种趣事 。
举个例子,如果我起了个网名叫“网易跟帖bot”,那我会定时更新各种优质跟帖内容,定期整合推出同一话题下的跟帖专题等,再或者有关粉丝盖楼的活动,我也会定期推出 。
bot的意思n. 肤蝇的幼虫,马胃蝇蛆;
变形 复数: bots
abbr. Botany 植物学; Botswana 博茨瓦纳(其首都哈博罗内);
abbr. Bank of Tokyo 东京银行;
abbr. Beginning of Tape 磁带起始;
bot的双语例句1. Urban wastewater treatment plant ( UWTP ) undertaken by BOT – type scheme has been developmented rapidly nowadays.
近年来,城镇污水 处理厂 BOT项目呈现良好的发展势头.
2. The idea that introduces BOT investment in environmental protection project is proposed.
3. A sound legal system concerning BOT is yet to come.
4. Particularly analyzing the applications of BOT modal in city – rail – transit in China.
5. The project financing and constructing patterns of BOT have widely applying space.
BOT这种 项目融资和建设模式,在我国有广阔的应用空间.
6. The thesis has certain reference value in fixing on BOT concession period.
7. BOT involves two kinds of agreements, i . e . subsidiary contract and BOT concession.
BOT方式中涉及两类重要合同, 即辅助性合同和BOT特许协议.
8. As an international cooperative investment mode, BOT is gaining extensive attention.
BOT方式是国际流行的投资合作方式, 已受到广泛重视.
9. Express highway projects adopt BOT method.
高速公路项目,采取bot项目 法人招标的方式引进投资.
10. BOT is a new kind of private invest.
11. The characteristics of BOT approach are first discussed.
12. BOT project financing is a new financing method comparatively appropriate to the educational industry.
13. It will confront many problems about system, law and management to popularize BOT pattern in western district.
当然,在西部地区推广BOT方式还将会面临许多体制, 法律和管理问题.
14. State will expand the trial of BOT and start trial of TOT in drawing foreign investment.
15. This papaer deals with decision making method on the concession term for traffic BOT projects.
bot的英语例句In the U.S., meanwhile, BOT schemes backed by foreign firms may become political mine fields.
而在美国,外国公司支持的BOT项目也可能成为政治雷区 。
The emerging system through which private companies maintain toll roads in some states is aclassic BOT model.
美国有些州方兴未艾的私营公司收费公路经营体系就是典型的BOT模式 。
