bot状态是什么意思 bot是什么意思( 三 )

As an international cooperative investment mode, BOT is gaining extensive attention.
BOT方式是国际流行的投资合作方式,已受到广泛重视 。
Ciliv is selling the efficacy of so-called build-operate-transfer (BOT) operations.
瑟利夫正在大力宣扬被称之为“建设—经营—移交”(BOT)模式的有效性 。
This article shows you how to create an IRC bot in PHP that can tell you the weather on demandfor your ZIP code.
本文向您展示如何在PHP 中创建一个IRC 聊天机器人(bot),用于以向您告知按邮政编码查询的天气情况 。
Just like a human user, the bot logs into Lotus Sametime with a user name and password andappears as an online person in your contact list.
与真正的人类用户一样,bot 也使用用户名和口令登录到LotusSametime,并在您的联系人列表中显示为一个联机用户 。
If the post can be detected as spam on one site, it can prepare the other sites to identify it assuch, similar to the hot lists of spam bot registration e-mail and IP addresses described above.
如果在某个站点上可以检测出垃圾帖子,它就能让其他站点也能辨别出该帖子,这类似于上面描述的垃圾信息bot登记电子邮件和IP地址的热门列表 。
From the coding perspective, you combine the required steps that handle the login and logoutactivities; these methods are the controller of the status of the Lotus Sametime bot.
从编写代码的角度来说,您需要结合所需的步骤来处理登录和注销活动;这些方法是控制LotusSametimebot状态的控制器 。
The awarecheck bot provides a simple way for two threads to be started, each simulating userslogging into theirown communities.
awarecheckbot提供了一种启动两个线程的简单方式,每个线程模拟登录到其社区的用户 。
This bot can be developed in any remote community.
对于此bot可以在任意远程社区中开发 。
Figure 3 shows the weather bot logged in to the server.
图3展示了注册到服务器的weather 聊天机器人(bot) 。
Then there\’s the Bot-Depot, where you can talk with other programmers who are writing bots.
还有 Bot-Depot,在这里您能够与其他编写 聊天机器人(bot)的程序员进行交谈 。
Explore the mIRC IRC client I used to connect to the IRC server and talk with the PHP bot.
研究 mIRCIRC客户机,我使用其连接到IRC服务器并与PHP 聊天机器人(bot)进行交谈 。
The design of the siponewaycheck plug-in bot provides a simple way to measure connectivity, both functional and performance, between external communities.
siponewaycheck插件bot的设计提供了一种从功能和性能方面在外部社区之间度量连接性的简单方式 。
Siponewaycheck handles simulated instant messaging/awareness/resolve validation andmonitoring, and connecting to an external community with an existing ping bot to communicatewith.
siponewaycheck处理模拟的即时消息/感知/解决验证和监控,并使用现有的pingbot与外部社区连接以进行通信 。
【bot状态是什么意思 bot是什么意思】
