
1、虽然是很简单的四个字,也要看上下文,如果是短暂的休息,可以说TakeHave a good rest如果是晚上睡觉前说的,则最好说TakeHave a good sleep 。
2、have a good rest加油不明白再问如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢 。
3、Don#39t worry, take it easy Be relax即有放轻松之意 。
4、have to have a good rest!这里must 和 have to 都是指必须,一定只不过前者和后者的区别在于是不是事先商量好的如果事先早有决定,用后者没有决定,表示很突然的决定,用前者不知能否帮上忙,仅供考虑 。
5、美 r#603stvt 使休息,使轻松把寄托于 n 休息,静止休息时间剩余部分,其他部分支架 vi 休息静止依赖安置 短语rest in 在于依赖于 have a rest 休息一会儿 a good rest 好好休息 。
6、You ’d better have a good rest那个人,我想你弄错了You’d 是You had的简写,谢谢 。
7、我最想要的就是能休息几天10 Weddings are so much hassle that you need a good break afterwards婚礼真是件折腾人的事,办完后得好好休息才行11 They had stopped by a spring to refresh themselves他们曾 。
8、Good night, having a good rest, you need to prepare for tomorrow#39s work 。
9、1休息用英语表示为rest 2rest的英式发音为rest美式发音为rest ,意思有休息剩余部分支持物宁静,安宁,使休息使倚靠支撑 。
10、既然你感冒了,就应该好好休息Since you had a cold ,you should have a good restalthough 意思是 “虽然,尽管” 。
11、回答和翻译如下have a resthave a break休息rest 英rest美restn休息剩余部分支持物宁静,安宁vt使休息使倚靠支撑vi休息静止停止安心例句We were going to have the luxury 。
12、“昨晚他躺下了好好休息了”的英文是He lay down and had a good rest last night 。
13、I feel so tired that I really want to have a good rest有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步 *^__^* 。


【好好休息英语怎么说】14、Take some medicine and have a good rest, you#39ll be okay soon 。
15、I think I should take a good rest, but I am too busy As well, school is too far away from home I bearly get enough sleep 。
16、1快点,否则你会迟到 hurry up or you will be late 2他们会发现为自己计划事情很困难 they find it difficult eo plan for themselves 3你宁愿呆在家里读书而不愿去参加晚会”i prefer to stay at home 。

17、请闭上眼睛五分钟,好好休息一下意思please close your eyes for five minutes,a good rest 。
