英语 英语病假条

请病假 Leave Due to Sickness

英语 英语病假条

A:我想提交我的产假申请 。I’d like tosubmit my request for maternity leave.B:你的上司批准吗?Have you had it approved by your supervisor?【情景对话】John: 伊夫,你有纸巾吗?我的都用完了 。Do you have any tissues, Eve? I’ve used up all mine.Eve:给你 。你还好吧?Here. Are you all right?John: 谢谢 。我一切都好 。只是我的鼻子 。一定是过敏…你有阿司匹林吗?我有糟糕的头痛 。Thanks. I’m all right. It’s just my nose. It must be an allergy... Do you have any aspirin? I have a terrible headache.Eve:我没有阿司匹林 。也许你应该看医生 。I don’t have an aspirin. Perhaps you should go to a doctor.
英语 英语病假条

John:不,不 。我很好 。是天气 。今天早上温暖晴朗,现在又冷又下雨 。No, no. I’m OK. It’s the weather. It was warm and sunny this morning, and now it’s chilly and raining.Eve: 真的,约翰 。我始终认为你应该去看医生 。你一直打喷嚏,自从你今早进办公室 。Really, John. I still think you should go to a doctor. You’ve been sneezing ever since you enteredthe office this morning.
英语 英语病假条

Eve:为什么你今天下午不请假?如果你不想看医生,至少你可以回家休息好 。Why don’t you take this afternoon off? If you don’t want to see a doctor,at least you can go home and have a good rest.John: 我不能 。我已经落后计划 。此外,你认识怀特先生 。他会认为我在欺骗他 。I can’t. I’m already behind schedule. Besides, you know Mr. White. He would think that I was putting him on.Eve: 今天早上你没做任何事除了打喷嚏,今天下午你也不能这样做 。(她把手放在约翰的前额上 。)哇!你发烧了 !You didn’t do anything but sneeze this morning, and you can’t do anything this afternoon like this.(She places her hand on John’s forehead.) Gee! You’ve got afever!
英语 英语病假条

John:我做了什么?哦,不 。Do I? Oh, no.Eve: 听我的 。你现在回家 。我给我的医生打电话,让他检查,好吗?Listen to me. You go home now. I’ll call my doctor and have him go over, OK?John: 怀特先生怎样?What about Mr. White?Eve: 我会应付他 。现在回家 。我下班后给你打电话 。I’ll handle him. Now go home.I’ll call you after work.John:非常感谢,伊芙 。再见 。Thanks a lot, Eve. Good-bye.
英语 英语病假条
