
kind 或者kindhearted 均是形容词 “善良的,好心的” 。
【善良用英语怎么说】善良的英语意思kindness 善良的相关英语例句1 He was a stern critic but an extremely kindly man他是个苛刻的批评家,但却是个非常善良的人2 His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts 。
善良的 词典kindhearted virtuous lawabiding例句他是个热情大方善良的人He was a warm,generous and kindhearted man 。
善良 shàn liángkind,good and honestkindheartedgoodness 如kind She was a very kind and amiable old woman那个孤儿被安顿在一个善良人家里The orphon was placed in a good home他虽然举 。


善良 shàn liáng 1 good and honest 2 kindhearted 其它相关解释ltgoodness 例句与用法1 他心地善良He has a kind heart2 他外表粗鲁,心地善良He has a rough outside,but a good heart 。
诚实veracious,truthful,upright 善良virtuous,kindhearted 只要随意挑选两组里的一个单词拼凑起来即可,很高兴能为您解答问题,望采纳 。
good and honest较常用kindhearted 较常用gentle 常用作“温和的亲切的”之意,善良的意思不是很常用welldisposed lawabiding and docile 后两个是查到的,反正我是没有用到过希望可以帮到你 。

In factActually we are all kind这里kind就代表了善良的人了,就不要再加people或者person了,这很中式 。
你好善良 kindhearted英ka#618nd #39hɑt#618d美#712ka#618nd#712hɑrt#618dadj仁慈的,好心的 脸软心慈例句He was a warm,generous and kindhearted man他是 。
